Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

This past week just flew flew by!!!!!!!! So Crazy. I love Christmas so much and this time of the year. I have come so far and grown so much since my beginning days in Brasov. I can't believe while I am writing to you from Deva, my companion...former companion Elder Olson is spending the day in Bucuresti. Going to Cismigiu Park, interview with President, spending the night with the Assistants and heading home TOMORROW. These past 5 weeks went by super quick and I will miss Elder Olson, I taught him a lot and I think he taught me a lot. Just kidding, he did teach me a lot. It was a pleasure to serve with him. And I think he convinced me of the true school I need to go to...The University of Utah. I will still love BYU though. But I don't want to talk about that right now. That's another day, and another story. 
So I forgot, at this time last week, I was in TIMISOARA! Playing some paintball and did email there and then back up to Arad, last p-day for Elder Olson. Just thought I'd say week I'll try and be in Oradea for P-day, just kidding. 
Last Tuesday it snowed but it didn't stick at all and just melted, even though it snowed for most of the afternoon and night, it was all just too light and that was the second time so far this winter snow wise....I bet in two weeks there will be snow on the ground. Hopefully. Tuesday we went to the shelter also for a little bit, we didn't really help out, they were getting ready for their Christmas parties they would be doing Wednesday and Friday. And those were so much fun/crazy all at the same time and will be one of my most favorite Christmas memories ever. I love going there so much. I can't really explain it, but it was just an awesome experience and a lot of fun time, making new friends and getting to know people. Some people that are really looked down upon in this country and others that are just everyday normal people that I probably would never ever meet. I love the Shelter.
Wednesday also, after the shelter, a lot of the members all met together to prepare for the Christmas party the next day and I learned basically the secrets and all the mysteries of making the SARMALE. I'll make it for all of you next Christmas...if you remind me. It's kinda a big deal and I'll forget. But it was fun just hanging out with all the members, and learning about sarmale. Every year they make it here in Arad and also in Brasov they would as well. They prepared it all Wednesday and then Thursday morning they all cooked it. I think just one of the members took the 3 big pots that the sarmale was in and she made it Thursday morning.
Oh man, Thursday evening. Those dang Sisters Hickman and Cottam, they did this totally on purpose. I can't sing. :( So the party started around 6. We got there and everything had been set up, stable, manger, Christmas trees, the day before and Tuesday as well. After English. 6 we started. So going to the church we got a ride from the McFaddens. And we brought some brownies made by me and other stuff. Then we get to the church and they ask us if we had brought the star (pretty big sized, 8 pointed, to go above the stable) hehe we forgot, so we just drove back home picked it up and went back to the church, we get there about 5:50 max. And then we get everything set up last minute and it's all good....oh wait, where are the sisters?! Dang it! They don't show up until about 6:30 and as a part of the program we all were supposed to sing O Little Town of Bethlehem, And it was like first thing in the program...and as you guessed it, me and Elder Olson sang it by ourselves. And me and Elder Olson are about the same musically talented (singing wise) I got him beat on the piano. But I know it was bad, but everyone felt bad for us and told us we did a great job....I was a little chapped off at those sisters. but rest of the program was great. Bivald makes a great Mos Craciun (aka Santa Clause) and all the kids loved it. One member broke the bathroom door, fiber glass I think? and upstairs in the kitchen, not sure why, the tile floor just broke unexplainbly. It was a great night. haha. Lots of family members of members and some investigators. YAY!
Friday. Good day and Saturday lots of fun, tried and succeeded in visiting nearly all the members with the car, sisters, and Mcfaddens, we went caroling to all of them and brought them some goodies. Ate very well that night, because everyone had something ready to give to the carolers and as tradition usually all the kids go out in the blocs and on the streets caroling and expecting gifts/money in return. And we started with a lot of gifts but in the end with all the members giving us stuff, I think we ended up with more than we started haha. Everyone is so nice here, and I love them all so much.
Christmas Eve it was great talking to the family! Everyone but Garrett! I love you Garrett and wish you a merry Christmas, brother. 
It was a great Christmas here in Arad. One to remember for the rest of my life. I love this time of the year and can't believe we're entering already into 2012. I hope you all are doing great in your respective cities. Arad is doing great (I'm here) hehe. I love this time of the year, think about what I wish I did in the past year, this year that's nearly done, and what I want to do the next year. Make goals and achieve them. Be better everyday. Too easy.
Much love.

Monday, December 19, 2011

A Most Wonderful Christmas Party and...Marathon?‏

Coming soon the the Arad . ro / maraton (without the spaces) hopefully I made it! I ran this past Saturday in the Maratonul Mos Craciunilor. It was the Santa Clause race they hold here in Arad every Christmas. Last year it was awesome, a Elder Harvey ran in it and got 2nd place! I got about 35th or so, nothing impressive, but crossing the finish line after a huge "TWO SIX"............Two point six kilometers that is haha. I was dying after crossing. Me and Olson had run quite a few times during the day on P-day and in the morning in the stinking cold, but man that race was brutal. Last year there was snow and it was raining this year and so so cold! I tried, but my lungs were dying at the end. I did beat all the missionaries and some members that ran.  It was fun and I got a free and torn up Santa suit out of it. I loved it.
And the day before that I was pigging out and training my stomach eating too many treats and a big Christmas meal for the Christmas party, for the Arad and Sibiu Zone. It was a lot of fun. Kinda stressful taking care of everything but it went well and people said they enjoyed it. I had some late nights with bunches of Elders at my apartment. As a part of the party, we saw a slide show of pictures around the mission and also the Hills pictures mainly with lots of missionaries. Then also a tie exchange and scarf exchange for the sisters. And a testimony meeting, singing Christmas hymns, played the same game as last year, telephone charades, lots of fun, and fun and games for some free time. It was a great day and I loved it.  The day before that, had a great exchange with the best former companion ever, ELDER DURAND! Deva came a day early and they spent their exchange here in Arad and we had a busy and long day with 2 service opportunities, and member visits and helping set up the Christmas party, and dinner at a restaurant with 5 other elders. I miss elder Durand and it was good to be with him again, and actually he started his mission here in Arad and he was glad to be back and people remembered him too (he was here just for one transfer then went to Timisoara and his 2nd in Timisoara, he served with ME!) I love you Durand Durand!
We had a fun p-day here, last one for elder Olson down in Timisoara, paintball was so much fun and a few welts and bruises. So much fun.
Church, probably craziest one yet here in Romania, but I'll save that for another day.
It was a great week. I love this work so much and there are so many ways to do missionary work. Need to find the way that works for you and just do it. And also to remember, talk to everyone you meet!

I love you. Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

My Love for the West!

The Bells are ringing. Some highlights of the week. Edy got married! Ciprian was baptized in Timisoara. Started english. Visited an awesome monestary today. It was a good week. Met with most of the investigators...but first off. Edy!
Ever since visiting him my first or second week in the city, he talked about his girlfriend and getting married and finally last week he got married....3 months later. And the biggest reason which was a good one, was that his mom was in Spain working and he wanted to wait for her. Good for him haha. It was funny, they didn't really want to go all out at all and I respect that. So basically the wedding that they invited people to was to the Civil wedding which we also went to last Friday. Lasted about 15 minutes. We were five minutes late and it was already over basically when we got there. haha Everyone was just taking pictures and what not. The Sisters were there and what we missed, the civil man? He asked a couple questions to Edy and then to Timi, they both said yes and they kissed and they were married. haha I know the week prior (last week) Edy was kinda stressed out and busy, going to the town hall, and relatives and signing some papers, doing a little medical stuff. But didn't seem like too much work. haha but Edy was very happy and so am I. He's for sure one of my favorite members hands down here in Arad. He went through some hard times going inactive due to some silly stuff, but he is back and super strong and great for the branch here in Arad. He's the best.
For my exchange last week in Timisoara, i definitely had some free time to visit a past investigator, Ciprian! He had changed over the past 6 months so much. Less stubborn and I couldn't believe he had chosen a date when the missionaries told me that last transfer. I was so excited and I am glad it happended last Saturday. It was great to visit with him Wednesday when I was down there for the exchange with Elder Bennett. We had a great exchange and met with some members and past investigators, it was a great day and I simply wish Razvan and Caruntu's phone numbers still work. I want to talk to them, and hopefully they meet up again with the missionaries and I can talk to them again. There's a plan for everyone. It was great to receive the pictures from his ceremony. And I was able to talk to him on the phone last night and he was so happy along with his wife. They are the best family ever!
English classes. It was dumb. On Tuesday, we had a good turnout (for here in Arad) usually it's never as good as it was. But everyone was scared and didn't come to the medium class. So everyone was in Beginner and we both helped teach that class and basically spotted out the Medium students, which there were a lot of. So on Tuesday it wasn't the best, but then for Saturday, it was fine and we had a good class. And even a member was there for the Medium class and it went well.
Today was a cool experience. We visited a monastery. St. Simion Stalpnicul and it was really cool. Usually it's locked up, but it was perfect timing, when we got there, there was a group/field trip of 1st graders or so, so a nun I believe came out unlocked it for them and also allowed us inside to take a look. Super pretty and I loved all the paintings from moments in the Savior's life. They were very well done. It was pretty awesome. I liked a lot on the outside, huge mural/painting of Christ blessing fish and bread and feeding the 4000 or 5000...I am not sure, didn't have time to quite count that high, plus the scene didn't include the full multitude, I want to say 5000, because most people don't even know about the 4000. They combine in their heads into the same story. But oh well. That's for another day. Monastery was cool. And we went there in the car with the McFaddens and Sisters. Elder Olson was in the back, I was navigator...and then crazy not sure why we did this, but me and Elder Olson while the other 4 drove back, we ran back! Ran to Kaufland a sheer 7.6 kilometers. Not to bad. Walked a little in there but I was dying. It has been surprisingly not too cold in the last moment of time. We went running twice last week and already once this week. Off to a good start. That run was so long and killer. I was dying plus had a good sized backpack on. Shed down to the shorts and shirt fast. Only about 11 degrees...slash....52 degrees today during the day and it'll cool down to about freezing usually during the night. it was way cold about 3 weeks ago. Not warm, but not nearly as cold as it was then now. I love the weather now. Beautiful!
Investigators. People will come to church, we teach them, but really they show no want to progress and really it's tough to have them have that desire. Can't force anyone to do anything. We just keep inviting and working hard. I have come to love I can say the members here in Arad the most. Making the time for them, visiting them more and calling them to see how their day was. I love the members here in Arad so much. I love the west. It has such a different feel here than in the south in Bucuresti and even in the Central/Transilvania heart in Brasov. And from the south east of Constanta. I can't say about Moldova area - iasi, galati, bacau and then the Republic of Moldova Chisinau and Orhei. I'll let you know if I ever make it out there. Arad and Timisoara are the best cities ever to serve. I love the people here so much. They are so so nice and open. I love this message of the gospel so much. I love being a missionary. This is the best work ever that we can be doing. Pray to God and find out the truth for yourself. Easy as that!

I love you all and hope you have a warm and lovely Christmas this season. 13 days!

Monday, December 5, 2011

La Mulţi Ani România!‏

Yay! For this past week it was December 1st and what do I get to do to celebrate the huge Independence day for the country of Romania. I get on a train down to Bucuresti. Yay! It was the best ever. Lots of food, fun, excitement, games, drinks, and sleep! Ok it was all that minus the food, excitement, games, drinks....and fun. Oh....and the sleep. But it was the best December 1st ever. I don't remember doing anything in Brasov at all with Elder Betteridge last year. Eh oh well. It wasn't anything special here neither this year. But it was a good train ride. I hate trains because I cannot sleep on them! Of course I do sleep, but just all during the meeting upon arriving I am dead. Spend the day in Bucuresti (the 2nd) and then that night, another train back to Arad. I don't understand how on the way down there it's 11 hours and coming back 12 hours...hmmm I was thinking about uphill factor, change in longitude, hmmm temperature, elevation, train drivers, lots come into play. But I love trains. They are my new home it seems like. I believe within a month (28 days or make that 32 days?) I was down to Bucuresti and back to Arad. 4 times meaning 8 wonderful train rides. I am grateful that I can at least lay down and don't have to sit up all night, like I did earlier this year with Elder Eaton....twice! I love train rides. They are simply the best. But it was well worth it I would like to think. Because this mission would be lost without my example in that meeting, attitude and dashing looks, and outstanding comments, and creative upcoming ideas and thoughts. HaHa!!! Of course it's always worth it. Some of the best minds coming together with President and Sora Hill and everyone putting in their input and trying to make the mission better. Kinda crazy (I know I have said this before) being over an entire 2 countries decently sized as a Mission President. I love Sora and President Hill a lot and know they have a lot on their plate. I simply just try and help out. And we got the load on our backs. All 12 of us. Plus Assistants to carry out the messages to the mission and telling everyone what needs to happen. I always love going to Mission Council/ Zone Leader Council as they are calling it these days. Can't believe my first one was in June! And I have been there ever since once a month. 7 months! I am not boasting, but surprised myself, he has kept me zone leader so long. I am grateful and try to be simply a good example for others.
This past Sunday, I am talking about yesterday. Ghita received the Aaronic Priesthood and next week he'll be passing the Sacrament! He is so cool and I love always going over there, visiting, and having great lessons with him and his wife, and his kid who is usually always crazy, but will eventually-usually-never calm down while we are there. :) It is going great with him and he gets along great with the other members in the Branch. All about Unity. Making people feel welcome. Reaching out. Lifting up one another and not criticizing and degrading one another. Love. Love. Love.
We had sign-ups for english. Those went well on Saturday. Starting tomorrow with another class. We'll probably be teaching medium. Me and Elder Olson. That should be good and hopefully we get some more students than what me and Elder Schanck got. For english is was fun buying, making posters and putting those up all around Centru. It was frustrating taking my gloves off and on because I was dealing with the tape while Elder Olson kept his gloves on pretty much the whole time, we switched it up. but my hands were numb by the end walking up and down centru putting up posters with tape and in a couple other places. I enjoyed it.
It was Sora Hickman's birthday last Tuesday. Happy Birthday! We celebrated after our meeting with smores over the oven-fire. Pretty good. They don't have normal white marshmellows here but in a package Sora Hickman got we shared and they were pretty dang delicious.
Something I am also trying to do is memorize/remember member's birthdays coming up in the month and trying to write them a card and a treat. Made banana bread last week and last night, some brownies. They say mine are the best. Not sure if they are lying or really complimenting me. Of course I know, but I'll leave it up to you decipher and read in-between the dotted-lines.
It was a good week. Had some good meetings/discussions/lessons/chats with Paul, Mandra, David, Costi and Gabi and many other members and people. We need some more people to teach, but things are going great so far for the Arad Zone and Branch. I love it here and love my people I serve.

Do something nice everyday for a random stranger and don't wait for them to say "Thank you."

I love this work. Happy Holidays! Christmas is the best.