Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Mission is NOW Complete.

Ok. First off. Don't judge me. I think me of anyone would know the rules. Thank you kindly. But we needed to obediently take care of our sheep and go out to a little courteous city outside of Timisoara and find some members and so we did just that, to save money, rather than taking the boring train - no bravery included whatsoever, and to be thrifty as we are supposed to be as it says in the scout law. *Please note it never says to be "safe" in the scout law.* We rented some clean clean bikes, and us being the trustworthy missionaries we are, from the place here in the center of town and we had a loyal bike ride out to the little city of Sacalaz. I can still feel the reverent consequences of our actions last Saturday, if you understand what I am throwing your way. I haven't riden a bike for such a long time, but no way I would ever forget how to ride one. It was a cheerful day. If only it was like today, about 50 degrees out, but last Saturday it was about 75 or 80. With my rucksack my back was soaked by the time we got out there - maybe it was a good thing I don't have to ride a bike on my mission. I'd always be soaked! I sweat too much! But towards our disappointment, neither of the members we wanted to contact were there but we chatted with some really nice people. I love the country side and "simple" life sometimes so much after living in the city where it is always busy and you are on the go. It was great to interact with some of the people there, just so helpful! It was a good break. And another cool person we talked to, was a past football star for Timisoara and Bucuresti as well. He seemed like a really cool guy, we met him on the outskirts of Timisoara and he actally lives in Sacalaz and usually bikes to Timi everyday playing football with other friendly friends and doing errands. (Football refers to the only football there is in the world. The real football. Real talent and heart. I love football.) Anyways. It was a good day.
English classes are going alright, we are teaching beginners this time around and every class is about 15-20. Last Saturday was the most I have seen at English for a while. It went well. I sometimes hate teaching English, because I forget the accent I have and the way I say words and the way they are supposed to say them. I think about every other sentence that comes out of my mouth I teach a wrong principle or something wrong. Oh well.
Everything is just dandy. I love the life. Missionary life.

Monday, October 1, 2012

If You Haven't Read It, Try It!!

I invite you all to read the Book of Mormon.
It's a great book and we can learn so much from it, no matter how many times we read it.
Try it out. Read it. Learn from it. Be open and desirious to learn.
Have a great week!

Always nice to get pictures from this fine young man. He will be home in three weeks!!!

Monday, September 24, 2012


I love coincidences, when they happen just so coincidentally. Are there such things as coincidences? Does God let things happen the way they happen, or were they always going to happen that way? It's mind-boggling to me sometimes, thinking about life and about choices. How sometimes the random choices of yours and those of others make way for a coincidence to happen. To meet them in the most random part of town, to be riding the same plane to a far off place, to see each other on the same train, on the same bus, or car. Does every single tiny small miniscule thing, truly happen for a reason? Chance. Fate. Destiny. Mere coincidence. Where does the line get drawn and how do we know? "What a coincidence."
Hope you are all doing well family and friends, faithful followers, don't think that this is a coincidence that you read this message this day. It was always going to happen for you to read these words of mine. It was fate.
Anyways, have a great week. Good bye September.

38 Days.

I actually don't know how many days it is till I get home, but 38 days was the limit me and Elder Speth put from last Thursday to my last Sunday. We are reading the Book of Mormon for studies, nearly 30 minutes a day and going to read it before the end of the transfer. Also in that time period we are going to do a lot more. I love Timisoara. I do not really miss the summer hot days. Funny how in the summer we long for winter, but in the winter cold days we so long for the summer days. I like Spring and Fall. Can't believe September is already half way...started! It was a long week last week, but at the same time, it flew by. It was good being in Bucuresti for the beginning of the week, but I started getting sick, because of the lack of sleep and the lack of being in Timisoara. I took Green down to Bucuresti Monday and we spent p-day there. Lots of fun playing football. Elder Nilsson threw me some awesome passes and I made some awesome plays. nbd. Then able to see a couple members randomly and met up with them and then Tuesday spent time with Green, Nilsson, Mikolyski, and James. Then Wednesday morning, very early took them to the airport with Pettit and Newey. Only two times in the airport, someone asked me for directions or help to find something. I was expecting more people to come and ask me for help, but it's ok. I'm over it. Then Wednesday it was great to see the other Elder Green, the one I served with in Bucuresti. We visited some people and members and it was a great day to be reunited. Love that kid. And he is already in his 6th transfer and he got transferred to Alexandria and will be serving with a former of my companions, Elder Ealy. I think next transfer he will be training there in Alexandria. Then Thursday back in Timisoara with my favorite companion (favorite means current) Elder Speth. We visited a few members and met up with the young man who came to church last week and he came to church again yesterday. It was a great week and it's going to be a great transfer. It's going to fly and already is flying. I love it and hope you all have a great week! The gospel changes hearts. Do you like it? Peace be unto you. Don't play with street lights. Drive safe and don't mess with the cd players if you are the driver. Take care.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

2 Years. 2 Easy.

Interesting to think about how the time has gone by. Where nearly every second of every day is planned by, makes you appreciate the time you have.

I have a question and I would like the answers just to get to know you a little more better. Something random I heard a while back when I was in Arad and it made me think. Started thinking about this question the other day. I like money too! But I don't love it. If you were given $86,400 dollars a day, what would you do with the money? And for each day and everyday you will receive the same amount $86,400 dollars. And if you don't use the money given for that day you will lose it. You will never be able to get it back.

Stop. Now think about it. How many days would it take to be a millionaire?!

Last Saturday was so great. Before English class which really did not exist but me making phone calls, some in English, but most in Romanian to invite the world to the activity that night, me and Mcbride went shopping for our activity buying food and other intricacies of preparing a barbeque, Romanian style. Shopping was just so great. I love it. English was even better. Called about 300 people in Timisoara. worth it though, because I was so happy it went so well. We had a lot of people there! Only a few members showed up, which was alright, but I went through the phone of ours with all our investigators and called every investigator in there, nearly every number, gotta clean that phone out some more. Lots of random numbers from past missionaries. And calling English students and other investigators we had about 20 non-members there. We had a good meal, "mici" (not sure what will happen when you google it, but it's a meat usually porc and beef and it's super good, pretty common snack and bbq item, pretty fattening and scrumptious, why would I not eat it? live to eat!), nearly the most people I have seen there in the building since I have arrived in the city. It was awesome. Then on the way home, a little late, we were simply planning on just going straight to the bus and head home, but after crossing the street close to the church, a younger man called out to us wanting to talk to us. He said he had about 10 minutes to wait for his bus, and Elder McBride looks at me when he, the young man asks us if we are in a hurry. Ha I said not really. It's 10 o clock. Not a big deal everyone. I had permission, from myself obviously. So we chatted some, he played us some religious songs from his phone and we talked about our church and how our service goes and getting to know him a little bit and his background, and almost immediately after talking he said, where is your church? I would like to come. And before I really say anything, oh it's right there around the corner. Then he is already taking out his phone and giving us his number so we can call him the very next morning about 11 hours later to remind him to come to church. We called him and he didn't answer the next morning. Silently crushed, I kept on waiting and about twenty minutes later he calls us back on a different number saying he is on his way and will give us a beep, meaning for us to call him and to go and meet him at the bus stop five minutes after he'd call us again. Walking in right at 10 am to church with my companion and another elder it was him! He stayed all three hours, would love to meet up, and said he will come next week too. We'll see. :)

With no more Texas power in Timisoara. It'll be a tough week of change. I just might cry for the first time in my life. Seriously. Elder Green! Elder McBride! Whyyyyy you leave me? Why you leave me? My last companion will be another Utahn, go figure. And something interesting, I will be next to two first transfer missionaries. After three with Bulloch she'll be heading to Ploiesti. McBride will be going to Oradea. Green will be going to Frisco, TX (and will be able to witness a Cougar getting beaten by Indians. Well technically, multiple Cougars tied up and gettin well slaughtered inhumanely by ruthless fighting wild Indians. Oh so wish I could see that beating, dvr it for me someone, thanks. don't cry too much, everything happens for a reason) I feel bad how much Green loves that one school he goes to. I almost feel bad that I like it when it's rival school beats them. But then I remember who's better and then I don't feel bad at all when they destroy his team. I love you Marissa. Hosking will be staying a while in Timisoara and getting a missionary who is now on a plane from America! along with Elder Lund! one of the two sisters coming in is names, Sora Lund, hope she makes it up to Timi! My companion will be the famous Speth. He is in the same group at Elder Lund, been out for a little over a year. Awesome missionary. Has been in Deva for a little while with training a native Romanian, who knows...knew Spanish probably better than Romanian while he was living there. Looking forward to the best transfer ever...again.

I love you family and wish you all the best. And all my friends too

An important announcement! Subway has now made it's way to Timisoara. Yay! A most pleasant surprise last p-day going up the escalators in the mall to the food court, Elder McBride's jaw drops and says NO WAY! and I turn around and see tons of yellow and green balloons for the grand opening of SUBWAY in Iulius Mall. I actually ate there today too here in Bucuresti. I came down early with Elder Green because he is leaving for home and got to spend p-day here playing some football, seeing some of my favorite missionaries and leaders. And going to Subway for the 4th time in 8 days. Not a bad ratio and average, if you ask me or anyone else.

Mâncați proaspăt!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Last.

So soon, so quickly it comes. From that cool day back in November with my trainer in the Panduri chapel in Bucuresti, bearing my testimony along with Elders Lee, Ransom, and Nemrow, to a wicked hot day in the far away neighborhood of Arad next to Elder Green, Pettit, Myers, Tefft, and Martin, the time comes and it goes. It was a most excellent zone conference, personally uplifted and inspired by the testimonies of fellow missionaries and their experiences and the guidance from the Hill's. Love that family and all my missionaries. It was great to chat with a former companion of mine, Elder Martin and talking about Timisoara and Sibiu. And getting to know new faces and missionaries. And seeing many other faces. It was great to see Ghita and his son Cristi, some of my favorite people in the world. It was unfortunate to catch Dana while she was at work. And a few other faces I was blessed to remeet after a good six months since being in Arad. Now 7. And two days ago and a year ago was the day I arrived in Arad. The last. The weather is still fairly hot. And the work is going alright, it is a tough work, but I love it so much. It is while we serve others and sacrifice our time, talents, desires, and wants for the benefit of others that learn who we are and literally find ourselves. There is nothing greater than serving others. I enjoy serving and am going to miss the envelopement of this calling and service.
The Last.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Hello hello! I thought I would make this perhaps the best email of my mission this week, I figure why not. I haven't really written a great email, one just where you are like, YES! So I thought today. Today is the day just for that. It might take forever like it used to take for me to write all my other long emails. But I am not going to regret. I really enjoyed the other day just going back over some past emails and seeing the change in me, my attitude, behavior, character, and way of thinking and the small ways that I have changed here and there. And I want to make this an email for the history books that I will come back to again and again whenever I want to reflect on my time here in Romania. Not so much to tell you how the week went, what I did, what I didn't do, but to let this be an email for me to come back to and enjoy to read. But hope you like it as well.
I find myself here in the city of Timişoara, Little Vienna, the window to the west here in Romania. A most beautiful city, in my eyes and in the eyes of many others. I have had so many memories here on the streets, here in total strangers' houses, in their apartments, in the parks, and random conversations in restaurant, in stores, and where ever I find myself. I have tried to love everyday I have spent here in this city. It's funny, looking back on the past, it's easy to focus on the good and forget the bad, or easy to only see the bad and forget the good. I want to say I have loved everyday here in this city, in this country, and in the mission, but that would honestly be a lie. I have had those days, where I feel like almost all hope is lost, where just everything that could have gone wrong, it went wrong. I have had some tough days and days where I just want to get out of all this mess and forget about it for a while. I think those days are normal. I am not mad I had those days looking back, but those kind of days helped me in the long run, while going through them, yeah, I didn't quite enjoy them. But I learned from them and just keep going on and moving forward. You technically can't go backward, so why not move on and move forward. When those days came, one thing was really hard to control, and that was my attitude.
I keep continuing to learn about the power, the importance, the rewards of an attitude that is positive, with an upward look on life. With that 'hope' that things will be better later in the day, the next day, week, month, even year. And while it is so important to have that kind of attitude and hope for the future, it is so much important to make that future possible by focusing on the present. By doing what stands in your power to change the future. Changing the future by changing the present. We can't always say, oh it'll be better tomorrow. No. You are the master of your fate. Some things, you can't change and they will always turn out the way they were supposed to be, but you can always change your thought process, the way you think, act, speak, and see life, and perhaps the most important, the way you react to situations that you find yourself in. It's so important to keep learning everyday. From the books of life. Words of wisdom. From the experience of others, from those sometimes with less experience, others with much more experience. I have always loved the thought that everyone you meet you in life, you need to learn something from every single person, and not only learn something from them, but also to teach them something as well. I love learning and knowing more about this life, world, and the lives of others. Makes me form who I am. The individuality and uniqueness of a person is a combination of many other people that they associate with and whose presence they are in. It's important to be you. Just keep learning and do what you know and live today and don't wait for tomorrow.
This past week, thinking about various things and life, I realized and it hit me, how much truly I will miss this place here in Romania. I have loved, for the most part learning about the culture, the history and formation of the Romanian nation, the thought-process of the people, the older generation, middle, and younger generation, such a changing place with the passing of time and the change of thinking from the old and young. I will never understand what it means to live in a time when they did from 1989 and before. It's such an interesting place and I have learned so much from each of these generations, talking to them on the streets and getting to know them and learn more about their lives. I simply love learning. And I do learn something everyday, maybe it's a review of something I learned 10 years ago, but I learn something new and useful everyday that's important for me to know. I have truly been blessed to have a functioning mind to grasp and learn somewhat, the Romanian language. I feel like I can always be better, but with the increase of english speaking Romanians, it will inhibit my true learning of the language. It would be great to have served with a native where I had to speak Romanian with him, but with my companions we have been able to speak in Romanian and I have loved learning all the saying, idioms, and expressions that are unique to each area of the country. I learn a few words each day. At the beginning I am so grateful for the companions I was with and their experience that made me grow and become the speaker I am today. I am going to miss speaking Romanian, but I will still use it and speak with all those I can in Romanian.
I am grateful and content.
The Hunedoara Castle was beautiful. Castelul Corvinilor. It was great. Abundant with history and many stories. I am glad I was able to go and visit inside. I took a little too many pictures, but I will enjoy going back through all of them and looking at each and every single one. It was a good time, with my comrade from Texas, Elder McBride and also Elder Green and from Calgary, Elder Lung. The Sisters, Sora Bulloch and Hosking and the elders in Deva Elders Speth and Nacu. An interesting story in the van going up to Deva. For perhaps the first time in my life, I actually got some motion-sickness or car sick, how ever you would like to put it. I thought I was going to explode! It was such a weird feeling, because I never ever get car sick. The road was pretty windy and I don't know what happened. I was playing cards with Elder Lund and then all of a sudden is just hit me and I had to stop right away. Oh, but then I realized and remembered an important truth I learned while in my youth. It is all mental. I simply told myself. "what the?! you never get car sick. knock it off" And I did just that. I closed my eyes and it passed quickly. Perhaps minor causes may have helped to this occurance of my squeamishness caused by ambulation, one of which being a lack of intaking of subsistence, a most important meal to be taken when one wakes up. A minor mistake. Should have seen it coming. But it happens. Anyways, I am babbling now about my being sick for 30 minutes and using too much from my thesaurus. The Castle was great. I have loved capturing the funny moments in life, the random moments, and moments that should not be captured on camera. I try to capture them all on camera. I have many pictures to take each day before I leave here from Romania and need to take as many as I can. Videos too are great to film and capture random moments.
Teaching english has been a great memory as well from the mission. Lately in the summer it hasn't been the best, but we have some really genuine people that have been to coming to class and it has been great getting to know them and to help them learn english. And at the same time, teaching english has helped me see how much I don't know about english and it has really helped my learn Romanian as well.
This past weekend was just plain crazy! So so busy. So much walking and how a missionary's day should be. We received lots of names to go visit to see if any members live there. They once lived there and were taken off the list, but then added back to the list for some reason. Apparently in Bucuresti and I am sure in other parts of the world, members say they move away, so they are taken off the list, no one ever visits them any more, turns out they still have been living there for the past 3 years and if by a chance or some random occurrence they come into contact again with us or with other members on the church. So Friday, turns out it was about 40 degrees here, hot, let me tell you. I was pretty wet by the time we got home and it doesn't help that we come home to a hot apartment where the air conditioner doesn't really cool it down, although I am very grateful. I always try to remember to always be grateful, no matter what. I took a cold shower and then went to bed in the heat. And I still am alive. No worries. But anyways we walked all over Timişoara and talked to quite a lot of people, trying to track down all theses people. Not a whole lot of results. But that's alright. That night, Friday a member from the Mission Presidency came into town from Ploieşti to make visits with me to members here and to some of his old friends to spend the weekend here.
Great story. Thursday we deliver a letter written by me to some less actives, inviting them back to church and trying to seek out those that will come back. I had met with this members mother, also a member a year and a half prior. And I thought about him and thought I should give him a letter. We went Thursday. Wasn't home so we dropped it off in his mail box. Then that night, he calls! And wants to meet up. We went over early Saturday morning after he got off work (night-shift) and we had a good chat and lessons about Helaman 5:12. He seems like he wants to come back to church and hopefully he will in the near future. He has had lots of trials this year and I hope to seem him change his life around. Then right after that visit we went and met with the first Counselor.
Then for the first time since being back here in Timişoara, we were able to meet with this less-active family. I had met with them on many occasions when I was here last year. They are all great friends of the Counselor and we had a really powerful visit with the husband and wife and it went really well. After that we went over to the church to meet with the Relief Society president and had another great visit with her. I love her so much and she does so much and wants only the best for the branch here in Timişoara. After her, we went to another awesome family, again with the 1st Counselor and it went great. After that visit we went again to another family, letting the Counselor head to his hotel to clean up and we later went and met up at the church for a Relief Society activity. Went really well. Decent turn out. Had one of my favorite meals here in Romania, ardei umpluţi, which are stuffed peppes. rice and pork and some tomatoes and spices and a sauce. Super good. I pretty much know how to make it and can't wait to try it out, along with many other recipes. It was great. And as with every meal in Romania, we had some bread, and some juice as they say it, just drinks. And then the elders made a cake for some reason. Not sure why, but it was pretty good. And then we left the church for a little bit, went to meet up with another less active. Then quickly back to the church for some celebration. We sat around the table, just chatting. All us missionaries, the six of us, then a friend came of ours, younger married girl, sister's investigator, came to church for the first time yesterday. Then they had these contraptions with a string that when you pulled the string the bottom/top would blow off and some smoke would erupt and this paper confetti or something shot out. The first one they did it, when I walked back into the room, really made me jump. They sang this song, called "La Mulţi Ani" and while they were singing, they were all looking at me for some reason and they wouldn't let me sing with them. Felt bad, because they didn't sound too well without my voice. But I endured. And at that point I was forced to enter my office which earlier I needed to go in, but didn't have permission from anyone. But when I went in, it was all decked out with many balloons and confetti, and papers and my desk full of sticky-notes congratulating me for this occasion and a big box in the middle full of gifts. A few of the gifts included a shot glass, an apron, a big key holder that was actually a key to put up on the wall by the door of my house, some small toys when you squeeze them, they squeek, along with a t-shirt, and a pillow, and a La Mulţi Ani-card. We had some champagne (pentru copii), actually two bottles, good thing i had my shot glass. After our drinks, we played some games, chatted, laughed and then called it a night. It was such a great day. One of my favorites for sure. Lots of wishes from members, investigators, and other missionaries.
And then Sunday was great. Church went great and a member here was just way too nice as usual. She invited us over, me and my companion with the senior couple that came down from Arad for church and spoke in church. And she made us the best meal ever. More stuffed peppers. I love those things! With mashed potatoes and chicken. A delicious eggplant sauce. And a most scrumptious chocolate cake. I love Romanian and Hungarian food so much. Ate really well this past week. And saving some money and having the members help us out a lot in that aspect. I am so grateful for them. I love the members here in Timişoara. I am really going to miss all of them. I have grown to love them more and more.
It was a fantastic week family and friends. I love my experiences and the knowledge I have gained here these past two years. I have sure learned a lot. I love you all.

Thanks for the La Mulţi Ani wishes. Take care all of you. Be grateful for what you have.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One Minute.

A minute is not a whole lot of time, and it's sometimes hard to take advantage of all the little minutes that we are alloted. This past Saturday we had a fun activity creating new games and borrowing some from 'Minute to Win It.' If any of you have ever seen the tv show.  The activity went well and we had a good turnout. Things are slowly happening in Timisoara. Hard with lots of people gone for Summer, but they will return and we just keep on working and giving it our all. Things are going well with branch and city. All is well. I love it here and it's going to be tough leaving. Still making lots of memories and making the most of every minute that I am alloted here in Romania. We volunteered a couple times at the Red Cross this past week and that was fun, painting, setting and cleaning a tent. Going into the middle of town and setting up shop. Moving furniture and doing small odd jobs, serving in any way possible. English started up this past week. Good turnouts for all the classes for Tuesday. Advanced, seems like people don't want to make the step from Medium to Advanced. We only had 4 students and about 12-15 in Beginners and Medium. I love teaching advanced, but I want to speak Romanian! We speak English the whole time, I don't really understand why we would speak English at an English class...but it is what it is. Some Things I will just never understand. haha 
Happy 4th of July, America. A few people here said that to me...3 exactly actually. (they might have been the other missionaries) We had a good grill. James and Green had a Romanian-steak and Hosking too. And Bulloch had chicken while me and Ealy, we had a Romanian dish, called "mici" basically combo of pork and beef in a little rolled up cyclinder. size of an eggroll. Sent pictures. I burned all of them. I couldn't get the grill down...eh oh well. Help me out Dad! It was fun trying to grill them. Apparantly James cooked the other meat and they turned out perfectly...I did use the grill first and got the flames going and broke it in for him. First time use for that grill too. It was windy too. Then we played some card games. Ate some more, chips, bread, juice and then cleaned it all up! Great day.
Embarassing story playing basketball by the college complex here. Usually every Thursday we'll go over and play basketball with who ever is there and try and win. Well this last Thursday. So many people were there, none of the soccer people were there, and everyone that was there were all taller than us! These people were so good and we played a couple games and we just got killed. Me, James, and Green. Elder Ealy isn't much for sports, but loves watching. James was confident, but me and Green were talking and could tell we didn't stand a chance. It's simply been so long since I have actually played competetively, I can't guard someone tight and play tight-d. We played a game to 11 by 1's and 2's. We lost both games we played 11-5 :( Shame on the Americans.)  Almost every other time I have played basketball I haven't had to even try and I would win, no joke. These guys and girls as well were good! Rematch this Thursday. We will lose hopefully by 3 instead of 6. Our goal this week. I'll let you know what happens. 
Life is good. I am happy and content. I love the mission. Can't believe yesterday I hit 22 months out on the mish. The minutes just keep going by. You have a minute to win it! Good luck.

I Am Very Tired Today.

It was a tremendous week this week. Had a good week of activities at the church and turnout could have been better, but we are trying. From a family night about the body of Christ (1 Corint 12) to filling time knocking on doors, walking through the parks, saying goodbye to Elder Cox who is e-transferred to Craiova. He will be missed, mainly by me. He was going to be a 1st Counselor...heard he told president and he made his dream come true and he left me. Just kidding. Elder James is here from Orhei! He just finished up being Branch President there for quite some time. He is with Elder Green, us three are all in the same MTC district. Green and James might be killing one another (ending their missions together) to some English students who live close to Timisoara but won't be back for a couple months or so. Playing soccer and basketball with a crowded court. Full court soccer (small court) and then half court bball on one of the baskets. Other basket across the way is off and busted. Played soccer most of the time and was goalie for almost all the time. Also we put up lots of posters around the city for our English classes. Got lots of phone calls and good turnouts from the people! The UEFA cup ended. Asked people about it every now and again to talk to them and some had no idea what it was, but most people were interested and knew that Portugal blew it against Spain and Germany would have been a better final against Spain rather than Italy Spain. 4-0. ce s-a intamplat?! (what happened) I love soccer and wish I could have watched some of the matches. Sometimes walking through center of town they were playing on tv screens and at big restaurants. My money is on Spain for world cup 2014. We are working with a family that Elder Martin worked with, with his previous comp. They are doing well. And a couple other friends and really nice people and super open and great. Another activity carving not pumpkins, but watermelons! haha a few members came and two other peeps. It went well and we got some good pictures during and the aftermath...it was quite a lot of watermelon and we didn't know what to do with it. So we gave it away to someone. Church went well yesterday. And also a couple invited us to their wedding and it took up a lot of yesterday. Really great people and I like them both a lot. Don't really know the bride. The groom is a great guy and I hope the best for them! Fasting is tough in the heat. But it's worth it.

Today. Lipova was great. Everyone else in the zone Here, Timi, Arad, Oradea, and formerly in our Zone, Deva, it was everyone's FIRST time...for me. Old timer over here. Number 4. I can tell you basically all about the city and the castle/fortress and major landscapes. If you ever need to get around there in Radna/Lipova, hit me up and I'll get you around.

My companion Elder Ealy is great. We get along well and both love the cool heat of the blizzardy summers here in Romania. Feel like it's worse this year, because I don't have the metro like I did last year in Bucuresti. We walk a lot...everywhere it seems like.

If any of these people read this,
Love you and miss you: 
Elder Mik
Elder Durand
Elder Bruner
Elder Eaton
Elder Hyatt
Elder Green, J.
Elder Martin
Elder Ealy
and everyone else. I don't have to say your name for you to know that I love you. I love everyone.


Elder Schroedter

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Saying Goodbye, and Saying Hello. I am all to used to it!!

This past week, the dearly beloved Elder Martin left me for the land of Sibiu. Timisoara will be different without him and Elder Ward too and Sora Zimmerman too. But I am excited to be working with my new companion Elder Ealy, who has been in the country about three months. Elder Green, M. from my MTC group is also here with me who is with Elder Cox, M. And Sora Hosking is here with Sora Bulloch. It's a new transfer and new district. And we have some good ideas and goals for the upcoming transfer. Things are happening and hopefully they all happen. Martin left for Bucuresti Tuesday night. We said goodbye to English students and some investigators and members. Then I spent the day with Elder Cox all of Wednesday, we had a good exchange and met some cool people. Then met Elder Ealy thursday morning. Took us a while to get a taxi, helped the others and sisters first. Then we finally got one right out outside of the gara. Went home, dropped off our stuff and went to a member's house to help him out with a couple things. It was really great to see a member from Arad on Friday, he is here for a week working on a house, one of my favorite members for sure and we went and visited him where he's working and it went well. I love the members here so much in Arad, Brasov, Timisoara and Bucuresti.
Next week English will be starting up again. Hopefully we'll have a lot of students!
This week we also have some activities planned and hope to have a good turnout from members and non-members.
The Church is true. The Gospel is restored in its fulness. Read and pray.
I love you all.


Elder Schroedter

Friday, June 22, 2012

A New Look, Village Visiting, Badminton in the Rain.

So this week seemed like it just flew by. Monday was fun, we just went to a random village not too far away and we went exploring and got some cool pictures and had some fun memories and saw interesting things. The village is called Vinga.

Then Tuesday for english class we couldn't hold it in the church vila because the painters were occupying it all week Monday to Friday. And there was a free room, but just not three. So we decided to do English in the park right by the church, next to the Bega Canal going through town and we just chatted with a few of our students and really didn't do anything special. We brought out the badminton sets and about 15 minutes into the game it starts to rain. About 12 of us were playing and then it dwindled down to Me, Ward, and Zimmerman and Bulloch. It kept gradually getting worse and worse the rain and we kept playing and playing and then it was just too bad and we had to stop. We took temporary shelter under the tree and waiting for it to die down...it didn't, so we book it over to the net, take it down real quick and gather all the stuff. Cox stayed back with us at this point. The others already took shelter right by the Flora restaurant. So then we dashed over to the cover point. And we set up camp for about 15 minutes. Finally died down and we went to the church, dropped off the packages and continued our evening like nothing happened. A great day. Tuesday night, coming home, fairly late through Centru, I meet none other than Caruntu and we set up for the next day.

But the next day came and Caruntu was not there. We planned to meet up right after school, but something happened and he wasn't able to come. He doesn't have a phone, but he does have our number. I'll see him again. He lives here in Timi with Razvan and nearly a year later and a week, crazy that I ran into him again. I also met Razvan, but we haven't been able to meet up since.

The church looks great. Ene from ploiesti was here and did a lot of little things that makes the church look great. Thanks!

We had a good turnout at a karaoke activity we did for English students, not as many people showed up as we were planning but it went and met some new faces that the students invited themselves.

Things are going well. This week is transfers, I'll miss Elder Martin. It was great serving with him, someone my age. Both able to share the work load. He really helped me a lot with the branch and just how to make things run. I love him and wish him the best in Sibiu. Might see him again while I am in Utah. I will be serving as of this Thursday with Elder Ealy. He is in Ward's group, and Ward is leaving me too to Ploiesti. And Zimmerman is leaving to Chisinau. Hosking will be here with Bulloch. And Elder Green, from my group will be here with Elder Cox. This District was a great one. Lots of different personalities, but we had a lot of fun and enjoyed the time together. Enjoy the journey.

I love Romania so much. The work is tough and hard, but it is rewarding. Put Your Shoulder(s) to the Wheel. One or two.

I love you family and friends.


Elder Schroedter

A Jammed Thumb, Singing Karaoke, and Speaking Romanian.

Hello hello, is there anything I can do for you? achtung! Life goes well and things are just great. This past week went really well. We had a great exchange me with Elder Cox, one of the other Elders here in Timisoara last Wednesday and also on that same day we did a thing Zone Wide (Us, Arad, and Oradea) we did an English Fast, where we only spoke Romanian all day! And it went really well. Sometimes, I wanted to speak English really bad but, I just had to think how to say it in Romanian and we did well. I almost spoke no English at well.

Thursday we played some basketball with some of our English students and towards the end/middle of playing. I was going for a steal, threw my hand and the pass was pretty quick and it just nails my right hand thumb and it hurt so so so bad. If you remember dad and marissa. At my graduation with the much needed jumping picture and coming down from the jump, hitting my thumb on your leg Dad, jammed it pretty well and ever since June 2009 it hasn't been the same and nearly 3 years later to the day, I make it worse. It is just a little swollen and nothing serious. Just can't bend it or feel it. But other than that, really it's great. I actually finished the basketball game, we lose because of it. And then I went to playing soccer, and did great in goalie with just one hand. haha but seriously the thumb is so much better than what it was, still hurts, but it'll be fine. DON'T WORRY! Relax.

For an activity Saturday night, we did a Karaoke night with us missionaries and invited our english classes. Not the best turnout, but it went well and everyone had a lot of fun. There are some really great Romanian songs I love to listen to and we sang a few of them Saturday night. Us 6 missionaries. And surprise appearance by the office elders from Bucuresti. And english students.
The office elders were here because we were changing servers for our cell phones. Orange is pretty well known here in Europe and we recently just changed to Cosmote. And without having our new phones the contract ended with Orange last Friday which really was inconvenient, because we weren't able to call anyone to invite them to activities and to meet up with them. But it was just for over a day we didn't have phones. I wondered how the early missionaries did it with no phone, just the clothes of their back and maybe a bible and book of mormon. I am grateful for my day in age, for medicine and a healthy body, and the gift from God to know Romanian to the level at which I know it. I am blessed.

We are all blessed. Keep counting them everyday.

Have an amazing week.

-Elder Schroedter

Time Presses On!

 We went biking last pday around Timisoara. The sisters from Arad came down to hang out with our sisters, we the 4 of us went together.

 Then also we had a zone conference this past week up in Arad. Sad because we had to go right from the gara straight to the church to the hotel then to the church, then back to the gara to come home. But I was able to meet up with a friend, a neighbor that we talked to a lot.

I can't believe it's been nearly a month since I have been here in Timisoara. Things are going well. I love the city a lot. Great missionaries here. And some great members. We are just trying our best. Not a whole lot more that we can do. I love this work and wish things were better, but it is how it is. We have to make the best use of our time. I know people are out there looking for the true gospel and I know we will find them. All in due time...all in God's plan and time. Endure and all things shall work together for your good. We have a lot of investigators and I have met up with a couple of mine since being back, but no one is really progressing as we would like them to, but we are still meeting with people and making phone calls and contacting on the streets and in the parks. I know the church it true. Yesterday was a great church meeting with the Wahlquist family there and also the Hill's. I bore a simple first testimony of the meeting and helped translate for President and Sora Hill. Sundays are always such a busy day. The Zone Conference in Arad was great. I feel like I know exactly how to do missionary work, but the thing that it's hard to have control over is finding the investigators, or maybe just my faith is too weak. Just keep going on. Missionary work is tough and I would rather it be tough, than easy. If it was easy, than...well I really don't know what to say. It'd just be too easy. It's hard for a reason. Makes us grow spiritually and closer to God. It has always been tough and difficult, but this work will go on and this church will grow.

I love you all. Take care. Make the best of everyday and don't let a day go by where you don't learn something from someone else and teach someone a lesson or two. Be happy.


Elder Schroedter

Hey Everyone,
Hope all is well with you all. Life is great as always here in Romania. Companion, Elder Martin is awesome and the branch here in Timisoara is doing well. This past week, had a great opportunity to visit a former city of mine, known as Arad. It was great being back! Able to meet up with some members and saw some familiar faces. I love Arad so much. As I do Timisoara, it is a great city and I just love walking down the streets to and from our apartment, saying Hi to our usual people we see on the street and stores. This past week it rained some, not as bad as two weeks ago. It rained forever! English started up, me and Martin are teaching the advanced class. We combined Tuesday but actually had students Saturday. Visited some members and investigators. We played some basketball and made some friends over by the campus close to centru (center of town) and building some friendships over there. We're going to make it a regular thing, playing basketball and hopefully soccer too. Trying to get permission from the city hall to be able to do street boarding and also trying to find places to give service. And other than that, walking on the streets, finding, finding, finding, going through parks, meeting up with the others and thinking outside the box to find those who are ready for the Gospel. Remember to keep a good attitude and outlook on life, don't try and forget and not even recognize the hardships and trials, but meet them with positivity and keep going on! Don't let the trials bring you down. Choose to be happy and have fun. Be joyful always. Because life is beautiful, in all aspects.
Take care. And keep doing the small and simple things that matter most.
With much love,
Elder Schroedter

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Past is Behind Us!

What's done is done, and all we can really do is learn from it, fix the mistakes we can, and do better next time. Life goes up and down, and we can't only dwell on the good times in the past, thereby inhibiting our growth and future lives. Of course, what happens in the past is very important and we learn so much from it, but we need to make the future. We won't be making any good future of ours, only just talking and thinking about oh how good it was back in the day. We have to live in the present, doing what we need to do now so that we can make the future what we want, and making it what it was in the past. So many people dwell on the past and can't move on. There was a great lesson I learned when I was in Bucuresti the second time around and that is from another missionary, who is from the Republic of Moldova. Past, Present, and Future. All are important. But I would say the present in the most important. The past is gone, learn from it. The present is here, live it. And the future is coming, prepare for it. Time is a valuable thing for sure. Make the most of everyday and make the change, if you can. You can't control everything, but you just have to meet the trails and problems of life with positivity and hope. You CAN control how you react and how you think.
Things are going well here in Timisoara. Nothing is perfect, but it's on its way to perfection. I love Timisoara so much. It's such a beautiful city, and so many nice and open people. The members here are awesome. And there is hope. It is never lost. I have my work cut out for me and I am simply trying to do my best. I want to leave this place, better than I found it and with the help of other missionaries and others it'll happen. We meet with a few investigators, but they aren't quite as interested as when I was here a year ago. This Saturday, we were up in Oradea for a training and I got a lot out of it. Hope for the future. A vision.
Life is great. I love my companion and my District is great. Lots of help from others and it makes it a lot easier.
Anything is possible, and nothing is ever too hard to accomplish. I hope you all are doing great. Take care this week!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Round Two in Timisoara

 It was great seeing and talking to all of you two days ago. :)
Happy mother's day mom, again, hope it was a great day for you. Sorry I couldn't make it and be there with you. Next time? sound ok.
It was a sad and happy week. I hate good byes. It was harder than ever to leave Mihai Bravu. So many members, that i have come to love and get to know better. I am already excited for the day that i'll get to go back and see them all again. Hopefully next summer? Monday, almost everyone went paintballing with leaving elders too, but me and Elder Taylor (who was in Oradea before) we went on a little exchange and did some service for a older member here and helped her move and move small tables and other things from one apartment to the next. super cool, because right by the Cismigiu Park (where country was dedicated) the member was one of the first here in Romania. She told us how basically the first discussions were given in her apartment and i was right there. missed paintball, but the service was way better. i know i said it earlier, but i'll say it again, some missionaries don't really understand and i am not putting myself on a pedestal, but i didn't come on a mission for p-days. some people, have to have the perfect p-days, but we forget it's to prepare for the week. i love giving service. then monday night, i said goodbye to the firaru family. i love them so much. husband and wife and two boys are members. i helped translate for some of the first aaronic priesthood - deacon quorums and i'll miss them a lot. then tuesday, finished packing and then, met up with a couple other members and investigators. then wednesday, spending time at the gara, one last visit to subway, greeting all the other missionaries, i hadn't seen in months. met my new companion, Elder Martin, from Orem, Utah. said goodbye to elder Green. then went on a mini exchange with Elder McBride, super cool guy, companions with Elder Taylor, previously above mentioned. And then our train left wednesday night, as opposed to last time when i was here with just 4 elders, my second transfer in Arad, sisters replaced a set of elders. and then just last transfer, another set of elders was put here. So apparently I am district leader, organize district meetings, every tuesday. Elder Martin is my comp. Sisters are Sora Zimmerman, 2nd transfer here. And Sora Bulloch, just transferred from Brasov. And Elder Cox was whitewashed here last transfer, training Elder Ward. Everyone is pretty cool, i don't know any of them except for companion already, who i served with (same district in Mihai Bravu, he was with Elder Lee just for one) Things are going good. met with a couple people and talked to them on the phone, when I was here. Hopefully, they still will want to meet up. And lots of people, that I can't contact, but need to find!
With Branch President, I will be doing interviews for people, making callings, visiting everyone, conducting sacrament meeting, giving talks and givning out talk assignments, doing the finances, and some other things as well. it's quite a bit of stuff to do, but i won't let it overwhelm me. I am excited and happy to be back. I love the members and I already have the relationship with them. I want the branch to get back on it's feet and hopefully i'll be the last branch president missionary. hopefully, i'll be able to find my replacement among the members.
A week of work. Hope you are all doing well. Love you all. Take care and be happy.
Elder Schroedter

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hey. Just so you know, lots of people don't have the greatest view of the country I am in, but I have such a great view of this country. I have seen lots of things and poorer circumstances than here in Romania and I just love this country so much and want it to be successful and be happy. People aren't choosing to be happy, but I do understand. I love my mission so much and the people I have come to know and meet on the streets, in the apartment flats, at church, and in the parks. I love my experiences here and I have learned a lot from them and gotten to know myself better and to become a better person and a happier person. A more grateful person. My time is slowly coming to an end, but I am grateful for all those who have supported me, put up with me as their companion, and the patience of members and people around me. I love being a missionary and bringing others closer to God. People honestly don't understand the message, until they read from the Book of Mormon. I love the people here and want to keep making a difference. Simply making the invitation to others and giving them the choice. Everyone has a choice to accept or not. 

Hey Family, I love you so much. Marissa. I am so proud of you and for you getting married. Wish I could be there, but in Spirit I will be there and some of my thoughts will be thinking of you in a few days more than ever. I am grateful for you and your example. I love you all Dad and Mom. Shelby and Garrett and Marissa and Grant and Caleb. You mean everything to me.

Have a great week you all. Take care and be happy. Always.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Teaching the "Plan of Salvation" with sidewalk chalk. Enjoying his 'Subway'.

The Mission is Good!!

This week was really great. I hate sometimes how I say this but, it really was one of the best weeks of my mission. I do probably say that every email. My mind is just so brainwashed to keep this great attitude, I have a bad week, then the next week automatically becomes the best week. But seriously. It was a great week. 3 investigators at church. Basically all progressing. One with a baptismal date for the last week of the transfer May 5th! Things are going great for me and Elder Green. Have some great people with whom we are wonderfully working with willingly without woes and worries, They are prepared for this Gospel. I love it so much and it makes me happy. I hope you are happy too! I love you all! The church is true. Find out for yourself too.

Last week frisbee, was so much fun, but I really hurt my leg and had to take it easy, couldn't play as hard as I would have liked to. It rained the day before, which made it even more fun. Everyone just falling and slipping all over the place. Had some hilarious moments and collisions. Good times. Then singing our lungs out at Piata Unirii. Eating Subway twice a week usually. And usually at least once a week a shaorma. Had a good exchange with Elder Fonnesbeck, met quite a few haters and met with 4 members! Recent converts and less actives. Had burritos for lunch at home if we weren't out and about. Got a baptismal date with an investigator and the Branch President. Eating at member homes. District Meeting is always fun with more people, but without the Wolsey's we aren't as reverant as we should be. Sisters are always so much more mature. Phone calls on down time. Contacting outside of our apartment. Going to the parks. Having some good studies with the new companion Elder Green! Love that kid. And I love church so much every Sunday. Translating for the Wolseys and some other members. I love translating for missionaries. haha Held the Sunday School lesson, the teacher was there, but I think she just wanted to do some delegation. It went well. :) Practiced singing in the the branch choir for this Saturday and Sunday for District Conference. Not sure all who is coming from the 70. I think just one person. But I forget. But that will be good. Can't believe only two more weeks to the transfer! Weeks are flying by! I love it here in Bucuresti. I love Romania in general. Have a good attitude. Be grateful. Smile and laugh no matter what happens. Take care.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Building a Roof - Romanian Style.

 This week went awesome for me and my wonderful companion. For Friday and Saturday we were able to give some service for a few hours in the morning. Lost some study time, but giving service is so precious and sometimes hard to come by here in Bucuresti. We helped a man up on his roof. Nailed some boards together. Helped clean up the old roof and take it down. Saw some more boards and wood. Leveling. Measuring. And building a house! The house is pretty run down, but it's alright. It was fun climbing up and down the ladder onto the roof. (I am such a kid. And I always will be.) It was done without an electric saw-could of saved some precious minutes here on the mission. But it was time well spent. We left him Saturday and haven't been back since, called him Sunday, but I am excited to see the progress. He came last week to the baptismal service of the other elders, now two weeks ago and he enjoyed it. And we are trying to continue teaching him the gospel. He is a great man and I have loved learning more and more words about construction and building a friendship with him. It was service well spent and I learned a lot of good stuff. Yesterday, we went singing contacting and that went well. Didn't do it for so long, but talked to a lot of cool people. It is transfers this week, but me and Elder Green will be remaining together and I am pretty excited for the miracles that we will be continuing to see this transfer. Can't believe 6 weeks has gone by, since I've been back here in Bucuresti. The branch is doing well. So many members that all need to come to church, but they have their choice. You can't force anyone to do anything and you really shouldn't if you think about it. Don't make people feel bad for not doing something. Just love them, because sometimes and at the end of the day, that's all you can do. We have met some cool people this past week and I have truly seen so many miracles in little every day things. Talking to people on the metrou, buses, and tramvais. On the street. Met some cool people just from our house to the metrou stop. Simple stuff and I love it. People need this message and gospel. They just don't know it. I know it's  true and I love being a missionary and I am not ashamed of it. Take care you all. Give an unplanned service to someone this week. Tie their shoe, open a door, clean their room, give them a hug, send them a nice note - handwritten, smile.

Love you all.

-Elder Schroedter

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Power of Song.

Barely four weeks into the country. By yourself, without your companion, and keeping up a conversation, maybe more listening for a good 20-25 minutes. Last Monday, it was fun to go Singing Contacting as a District just opening up the hymn books and belting out in downtown Bucuresti in the middle of traffic at night right outside one of the biggest metrou stops in the city, Piata Unirii! It's been our second time doing it this transfer and both times it was pretty chilly, I think this last week I got sick because I forget my winter coat...it happens though. But the point of this email is not to pity me, but to praise the best companion ever this world has ever seen. Elder Green! Right when we started singing, two or three usually will just try and talk and stop people and Elder Green nor I didn't do it the first time, just sang for straight hour and a half. But Elder Green talked with a man for a good 25 minutes! I wasn't even with him, but I just saw him out of the corner of my eye as we were singing. He is such a stud! Knows the language way better than me I'd say when I was in his shoes. And also yesterday in front of about 65 people gave a great talk about faith! He is making leaps and bounds. He helped me give a blessing to an older member here last Sunday. He annointed while I sealed it and gave the blessing. He is such a great guy and I love that just everything is new to him, and I get to experience it right along next to him. He is really a great missionary. He is giving really good lessons and spiritual thoughts in lessons. Sometimes with 10 seconds notice. I am loving Bucuresti and now the parks are coming to life and people are wiping the dust off their shoes and finally unlocking their doors to come outside from the winter. There is surprisingly some still ice/snow in some parts, but where the sun hits, it's all melted. Today it's at least 20 = 60F and we are going to play some football/frisbee. Gonna be fun! This last week, I had my first funeral here in Romania, it was short and sweet and planned about 10 minutes prior the speakers and layout. We did a special musical number. The other Elders, they had a baptism! and was confirmed yesterday. This Saturday there will also be a baptism for the other elder's companionship. Things are happening and I love the branch so much and the people here.
I am enjoying life. I love talking to people in the parks and just getting to know new people and make friends. I love this message and know it'll bring happiness to anyone and everyone. I am happy sharing it with others and talking to them about it. Inviting them to partake of it. To start. To read. To pray. To try and experiment.
It's been tough at times, but at the end of the day it's all worth it. Find joy in a song this week. They can be powerful. I love my family so much. They mean everything to me. Be safe. And especially Shelby this week! Ai grija!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Happiness is a choice. Yesterday and this past week has been a great opportunity to reflect about my own personal happiness and just being happy in general. Never let someone else tell you how to feel or think. You always have the choice to be happy. We all have trials and problems and think sometimes God and the world is against us, but we have to remember it happens to everyone. The good sun and the bad rain fall on all of us. We have to be grateful and simply learn through living, and choosing to be happy. I just love the word happy and saying it, it is a happy word and the sounding of the word and what not fits the definition if that makes any sense at all. Be happy. Enjoy life. You are simply more happy when you choose to be happy. And it just makes sense to be happy rather than down on yourself and sad. Optimism is great. I consider myself a realistic optimist. I try everyday to be happy and it's sometimes hard. But I consider myself very happy. Be happy. 
I love the country of Romania. Things are going great for me and my companion. Working well together, teaching him the language, meeting with lots of people, members and nonmembers. And simply being happy while doing. 
Love you all.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Count your blessings!! For they are many!!

I never really gave much thought to the word 'many' in the song 'Count Your Many Blessings'. We had a great chat with the Senior Couple and other missionaries in the District about our favorite hymns that describe our mission experience. Lots of great insights. And the one I shared was 'Count Your Many Blessings'. I love that song so much and love singing it in Romanian. We all have so many blessings and we often forget how much we have truly been blessed by the Lord and God with all of our many blessings. Just a reminder to all of you, you are all blessed. I am so blessed. I love my mission so much. I learn something everyday and I have so many blessings. remember the blessings.
I love you family and friends. Take care. 

Numara binecuvantarile.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Back to the basics. I'll be getting on a train tonight to Bucuresti and staying for who knows how long. I'll be getting the coolest companion probably on my mission...just don't know his name yet. He is almost in the country. Getting here tonight. He is going to love me and I am going to love him. We are going to learn a lot and see so many miracles.

I love you all. Take care of all of you. I love you Arad and the people here. I'll see you again.

-Elder Schroedter

Monday, February 6, 2012

Big Snow!

This past week just flew by. I can't believe we are already into the month of February. Today outside it is snowing! Craziness. I thought we had escaped the snow, but three days into February it just came down more than it had a right to. This past week we went on an exchange with the Elders in Oradea and actually with both companionships. I had awesome exchanges with both of them and I enjoyed taking them back here to Arad and doing work. Lots of driving but it was all worth it. I went with Elder Jensen Wednesday and Elder Cox Thursday, both awesome missionaries. Thursday night we drove back up to the Oradea, stayed the night there and got multiple warnings and calls from the Assistants, President, and some members in Arad (that actually I called) to be careful on Friday. One of the members told me that on the news they said that this storm coming in is like the biggest since the 70s. And Friday morning, right when we woke up without showers we drove back to Arad. And driving into Arad, the snow had started! Luckily we had no problems at all and we got home in safety. All Friday it snowed. All of Saturday - surprised English students showed up. Sunday we had a good turnout at church despite all the snow. I was pleasantly surprised. And then today so far it's been snowing all morning. It's below freezing and it's still snowing pretty good. And it doesnt' show signs of melting anytime soon. But it's been awesome to push cars out of the snow. Before english we brushed some cars on our street just to come back later that day to see them all covered again. I think we brushed off the car 3 times and once again a good 5 inches was covering it. SO MUCH SNOW. And a funny phrase they'll say here in Romania and I love talking to taxi drivers saying outside it's a big snow. "Afara e zapada mare!" Not too sure that translates as smooth as it's supposed to, but that's ok. I understand.
I love the snow. Winter. Freezing temperatures. Lots of fun. It's great being with the best companion ever. We enjoy the work together and we are working hard and finally have some people to teach. Still working on simply building up the members' faith and testimonies. I love the members here in Arad and have grown so close to them. Next week is transfers and it'll be tough if I have to leave next week, but it happens. This is it. It's life.
I love to read from the scriptures and learn every single day more and more about life. I love giving service. I always feel better and happy afterwards.
I love my family and friends. Thanks to all for the support and love. Take care and don't freeze like me.

And Happy Birthday Sora McFadden! February 1st. Probably the best cake ever that me and Elder Jensen made with the help of a neighbor. va iubesc.
viscol mare.

Monday, January 30, 2012

My President

This past week, we went on an exchange with the Deva Elders and it was a great time. I love both of those former companions. Elder Durand and Elder Mikolyski. Elder Durand and I were together. We had a great time together. I miss our transfer together, so young in Timisoara, and it was great in Deva. He is a great missionary and he has quite a full plate of problems and what not. But he is great and deals with it all with ease.
Here in Arad. Things are looking up. I love working with Elder Hyatt, we get along great and we help one another, and when I say we, I more mean he helps me every second of everyday. He is such a solid missionary and I am grateful to be with him. We met with a couple new investigators this past week, awesome people and curious about our message. English is going great. I love teaching it! I love the missionaries in the Zone. Thanks to Elder Mikolyski I love the game of "trucu" (for all you portuguese speakers, Chase did you every hear about that game?) The members here in Arad are the best. 
I have loved being here and serving the people. We want to serve people, not get as many baptisms as possible. Had a lot of chats with Elder Durand and Hyatt about success on our missions. And I know we have all seen success. It all depends on work ethic, how much are you really dedicated and want to be here. I feel some days I have really wanted it at all. I couldn't care less if the baptisms come. Other days that's all I dream about it. I am called here to simply serve people and help them. To invite them and love them. I can't force anyone and if I don't get baptisms, I still know I had the best mission ever full of success. I hate how missionaries, some have not had a single baptism and think they are bad missionaries. I think of all the missionaries I talk to, go on exchanges with, the people I meet. The members. The senior couples. Everyone you talk to, remember to be yourself. Be honest and laugh and have fun. Don't be fake. If you love them, let them know that. Don't be secretive. Be honest! The mission is a tough thing, but you can't get down on yourself. You have to be happy, and enjoy the journey. To do that. Love and serve the people. I am still working on it. I am surely not the best missionary...but...i'm pretty close. Just kidding. I have learned so much about life, people, myself and I love to keep on learning. I love the mission. It's all mental.
Dad. Forgive me. I had your day all highlighted and colored in my planner telling me it was your birthday. Just for the last three mondays I always forget to tell you Happy Birthday. I know I have forgotten a ton of other birthdays. Forgive me. Be happy everyone!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Snow. Rain. Sunshine.

I brought two pairs of shoes on this mission. Both still survive...but there are very multiple states of survivors. With less than two legs...I am not sure how to say, but it is safe to say that both pairs are on there last legs. haha Yesterday, it snowed and snow was on the ground, few inches...but 3 hours later, the clouds parted and nearly all the snow melted with only a few exceptions where it was kept in the shadows all day. For the past month I have only been wearing one of my pairs, because the other one, although they are still wearable, are leaking water. So yesterday, I didn't sleep very well and hence was not thinking all too well and decided to wear the bad pair of shoes. Oh man it was bad, I was complaining the whole way on the way to the church, thanks for putting up with me comp! And by the time we get to the church, about a 13 minutes walk or so. My socks, ankle down, both feet are soaked, we were at church early about a half hour, so I go upstairs, grab a pair of sandals, and put my socks and shoes on a heater for the next twenty minutes. Got some funny comments from the members, when I was walking around in flip flops, saying hello, and right before church started just went back upstairs and put on not-so-much soaked shoes and socks. Church was great! Leaving church, we went to a nearby piata(market) and said hello to a member who works there. And then we went home, with my shoes letting in water, and once again my socks getting resoaked. Luckily we weren't caught in a storm or far away from home where I couldn't control the situation, but instead it was my choice, coould have controlled it and simply I chose to be smart and adventerous. Just like I always do.
With another week gone by. Me and Elder Hyatt are doing so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Arad. I love him. I love the members. I love the people. I love the country. And I love the future people that we will be finding...once again this week with our hard work and diligence. It was a tough week, but it was awesome at the same time. Monday it snowed. Made brownies and gave it to some members. Had a good visit at my favorite member here, Edy. He is trying to share the gospel nearly everyday with his wife, but slow and steady wins the race. He is solid and I always love going over there to visit him. Tuesday, also snowed again and we spent some time trying to figure out street boarding and talking to the Primarie and getting all that sorted out, good thing I know Romanian. Also had our first English class, went well, had a good spread in Beginners class and hopefully they come back Saturday, I thought it went well....after doing it for a year and a half, basically got it down. Still don't know English too well speaking it, but I know how to teach it. Then visited new member Ghita. He's doing great. Found a new job. And I always love visiting him.
Wednesday. Snowed in the evening time. Had a good visit with Banatean family. Some knocking on doors. And also, had my first split here in Arad with a member. I went with Edy and Elder Hyatt went with Elder McFadden. It went well, we tried to visit his friend, but he wasn't home and Elder Hyatt and McFadden got let in on two doors. Then we drove to Timisoara on the nice new road they just finished. Super quick and it wasn't icy at all.
Thursday. Best exchange ever with Elder Martin. I loved it a lot. Oh man, my heart goes out to him. There is so much going on in that city, and I wish I could be there and try to help. He just got there and he has so much he has to do now. Like a lot! It was great visiting with some members. A former investigator, and getting a new investigator. I love that city. Then for Friday. It rained...just about all day! it was a good day, although not a whole lot happened. Had good visit with some members.
Saturday. English went well. Spent some time in the park, then finished the night in the blocs. And Sunday was a good day as well.
The members here are great and that is basically what we are focusing on and also finding those are willing to listen.
Today for Preparation Day, we had a super fun Zone Pday where all the cities came to ME! Here in Arad and we played some Paintball. It was super fun. I was aching and it was fun to shoot everyone...on and off my team. And awesome price too! Thanks so much Daniel, you are the best!

Yesterday, taught the Gospel Principles class and it was really great, got talking about God and his love for us. Why so much happens to me? Why now? Why me? And basically the answer. Don't worry about it. God knows what we need. We need to trust in Him - a very hard thing to do sometimes. In the end, everything will be ok, if it's not ok, it's not the end.

Take care everyone and know that God Loves YOU!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Winter Driving and Smoothies

It was just the best week of my mission! As every week happens to be the best week. hehe Elder Hyatt has grown a love for smoothies (bananas, strawberries, ice cream, ice, some sugar, and milk, and vanila). We invited the McFaddens over last night to enjoy them with us and we only had them including last night three times last week. Very delicious and fast. But anyways. It was a great week, because I got to be around my fellow missionaries. I decided that with apartment checks (McFaddens deal with that) and also with District Meetings, how we need to do at least one in each city every six weeks. We knocked out all 3 rabbits with a single bullet as they say here (or 3 birds with one stone). Lots of driving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did it all, Monday morning last week, we held our District Meeting. Elder Hyatt is my District Leader. And then Tuesday. Down to Timisoara District Meeting and back up to Arad. Awesome because they just finished the highway two land road from Timi to Arad and killed the travel time in nearly half. Then Wednesday. Up to Oradea. Longer drive, but the District Meeting went really well. And then Thursday off to Deva and that was a long drive. So many villages where you have to slow down. And I drove a lot of kilometers. But it was so worth it. The Meetings went great and apartments were checked.That was our morning for last week and then we got back to Arad and had some good days of work.
We really don't have a lot going for us right now. But we are loving working together and visiting members and just trying to talk to as many people as we can. And just finding ways to serve the people. I love the people so much here in Romania. And I love to be among them and to serve them. Everyday is simply great, it just depends how we view our days. Be positive and happy, don't worry about the things you can't control...uh because you can't do anything about it. But never let the things you can control get you down. Be happy. It is a choice. I am happy.

And I hope you are too. I love Arad, if I haven't mentioned that before. It's a great city.