Monday, January 31, 2011


Hey everyone!

Where on Earth did the time GO!!! I am in my third transfer this week. OH my goodness. It's so crazy. It is going by so fast so so fast! I want it to go slower. I love it so much and I love this work.

First and foremost. It was kinda a tough day Friday. I didn't want to believe. Elder Bateman called the office for something and none of the Office Elders answered! His Trainer was in Buch (who was in Orhei, Moldova - Elder Voglesberg) and another missionary from the group ahead of him, Elder Finch (from Constanta) was there....uhhh EMERGENCY TRANSFER. Ok. Elder Ransom. He got sick and is home now. Elder Ransom was companions with Elder Voglesberg in Orhei. And Elder Finch is now companions and will be Branch Leader this next transfer, as Elder Voglesberg has to leave Moldova (due to the 3 months only you can stay there without a visa). But anyways, I didn't know how to feel when I heard he got sent home. I would have found out today, but instead I found out Friday. I thought about him a lot. We were really good friends in the MTC and it's only/ was only his second transfer! I sure hope he recovers well and gets out and serves again. This is kinda like a former Elder Smith - Elder Bateman's companion in the MTC. He got really sick and went home. BUT! Now he is serving in Tennessee. And another sad note. I think family problems, Elder Schafer is home too. :( I really liked Elder Schafer, Played him in ping pong at Zone Conference and Training Meetings. I will miss them both. Hope they recover and resolve everything and get back into the field.

TRANSFERS THIS WEEEK. OH my goodness. 2 huge things. My companion - Elder Bateman is training here in Brasov!!!!!!!!!!!!! His boboc is taking my place and I am off to the west! TIMISOARA. Elder Betteridge served there for a few transfers and ever since he told me about it I wanted to go there. I would say after Brasov, and Sibiu, Timisoara is the next prettiest city. I am so excited to serve there and I hear the branch there is really good. District is 4 Elders. And I am SENIOR! with another Elder from my District from the MTC, ELDER DURAND! We are going to have a sweet transfer. I can't wait. Thursday this week, morning I'll be pulling into Timi!!!! I am excited. I have heard good things about it. I am going to miss Brasov so much. I love it here and was thinking I was going to stay another with Elder Bateman. We got along so well in my opinion and taught really well, as a companionship should. But.....Not my will. I'll Go Where You Want Me To GO!

Whew. I love transfer weeks. Only my second one, but I am so excited! Already in my 3rd transfer. No baptisms. Yet. And it doesn't matter about that. I want to invite and let PEOPLE use their agency and make their own decisions. I don't want to force people to get baptized just to say, yeah I got 20 baptisms on my missions. I don't care if I come home with 0. I know I will have worked hard with my time I was given. And if it is the Lord's will, all the better. My joy will be full either way.

Ok so this week, halfway through, pretty cold, about 30-35. But I would not be surprised if the latter end of the week never went above 30! It was so dang cold. Today was about -7 in the morning. Yesterday -10. (CELSIUS) Snowed Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday but that was the last time. It's all now just ice and snow! Not going anywhere anytime soon I would say. -10 just so you all know, 14 degrees fahrenheit. And I am out in it sometimes 3 hours at a time. WHEW! But I am staying warm and loving it. I will be missing this weather in the Summer time. It gets as hot and humid as good ol' Texas I hear! Asta e!

I love the scriptures each and every day. From TRUE TO THE FAITH. I am booking it through that book and loving it. Marking scriptures and reading topics. Today read about Hope Humility and The Living Christ. 3 great topics. And from the Book of Mormon I read in Alma 15 and 16. And I am understanding and writing down less words I don't know when I read in Romanian.

It was a pretty good week. I have had better, but it's life! Learn to love. Love to learn. I do both.

Last Monday: Due to the snow, no hiking up to Tampa, looks like I won't be able to be do that. DANG IT! Eh...when I return in a few years I am definitely doing that. Also on my list! /Our List. Rocks of Solomon. Adventure Park. Sapte Scari. And in the surrounding area of Brasov/Transilvania Peles Castle (Sinaia) and Bran castle. GOOGLE THEM! After internet monday, went and had some KFC. Got large and ate way too much. Then met up with MARIUS! AH, he leaves this coming Thursday! February 4th. We went to the Unirea Mall right by the Gara. Bought some shoes for Elder Bateman. Then groceries. Then Family Home Evening with Teo, Levi, Alecu, and Adrian. Victor didn't come. :( The main reason we had it!

Tuesday: Good lesson with Ioan about the Book of Mormon. Still needs to pray! And come to church. Did a lot of villa knocking. English lesson went well. And lesson with Victor and Levi. Victor doesnt' really want to get baptized. :( What the heck?! He said his parents were against when they definitely were NOT! I still have hope and hope he reads and figures out the importance of our message. He had a baptism date!

Wednesday: Lots of villas and blocs. Lesson with Mircea about the Gospel. He is really understanding well and tells us what he reads about in the Book of Mormon. He just has to quit that drinking.

Thursday: Had a good less active lesson with Alena and Catalina. They both came to church. And Catalina is active and strong, her Mom Alena is struggling and a little offended still.

Friday: Another lesson with Mircea, went well, obedience, prayer, scripture study and sabbath day holy. Marius was also with us there. Then evening. Good lesson with Fratele Buium. Such a good member, just works Sunday!!!! UGH! Then met with Eddy and Alex, said they were coming to church but they never did! UGH!

Saturday: Good lesson with Ioan, Plan of Salvation and invited him to church. didn't show. :( and lesson with mircea again - tithing, prophets, and law of chastity. He needs to quit drinking! UGH.

Sunday: really good sacrament meeting with Marius, Alecu, and Elder Bateman gave talks. rest of the day we did villas and blocs.

Sorry for not a lot of details. Not a lot of time left on the comp.

I love you all. My family and friends. Thank you for all your support.

Off to Timisoara. I love you so much.


Elder Schroedter

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