Happy Valentine's Day? What the heck?! Where did February go from me?! Already half way started/ended/over/begun? Half empty right? NO! Half full always. Eh, it doesn't matter how you look at a cup, it's how you live your life. Positive or Negative. I am positive and it seems to work pretty well. But uh....didn't really seem like my 5 month mark last TUESDAY! Feb. 8. But me and Elder Durand for both of us! It's our 5 month mark! AH! Time is going by so fast. I feel like there is such a huge task in front of me. 2500 members. Country size of Oregon. Most members are inactive. 19 cities. 95 missionaries. Population...TWENTY-TWO MILLION people!!!!!!!!!!! A positive attitude is the key. We need to and I am getting to know the members and encourage them. We want to teach them and their friends. We want to make people happy! How do you be happy? Have this Gospel as a central part of your life. Atat! Prea usor! (That's it. Too easy.)
We are trying. Shall not run faster than he has strength. I love this scripture and memorized it this week. John 14:27. Great promise. And we all need peace, more peace in our lives. And there is one person who can give it to us. And not as the world giveth. Jesus Christ. I invite others to come unto Christ. Restoration of the Gospel. It's true! I promise.
I love studies in the morning so much and they are so important. The Spirit is such an important part of this work and I have felt it so much this week. In lessons and studying and at church oh and also Saturday......I love the Book of Mormon! Now reading the advice and counsel of Alma to his three sons. Today I read the beginning to Helaman and so many good scriptures I LOVED. Alma 36 through 37. WHAT I AM DOING:
aPreach unto them repentance, and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ; teach them to humble themselves and to be bmeek and lowly in heart; teach them tocwithstand every dtemptation of the devil, with their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Alma is my favorite. He's is pretty high on the list for me that I am pretty excited to see. :) Younger and the Elder.
From True to the Faith I love it everytime I read from it. Nearly done with it. Today read about Repentance and the Restoration of the Gospel. Two great topics and lots of depth and great scriptures. Something we have gotten a TON this week as well as in my 3 months here. We have a Bible and it's enough. Why do we need this "other book" the Book of Mormon.
**2 NEPHI 29: 3-9
I am trying to share the message and relying on Christ for He is my strength and my foundation. I love this work so much and I know I will have success in the near future.
It was a good week this past week.
Monday: Went to church after having KFC. Played Ping pong and then shopping then finished the night with bloc knocking. No luck and no one let us in. :(
Tuesday: district meeting was good. Elder Zavala is such a great missionary and District Leader. I can't believe Timisoara had 12 missionaries at one point and now we only have 4! EVERYBODY. Go read Pres. Monson's talk last conference. Why was the first thing he said in conference? YOUNG MEN - SERVE A MISSION! Uh...I think the world has some need of YOU! District Meeting went well. Good discussions and lessons and what not. It always pumps me up. We have a great district here in Timi. Elder Zavala and Elder Kopsa and Elder Durand and then...Me. After did some contacting in Centru. Lunch. Then met up with other Elders and handed out some Books of Mormon in Centru and in a nearby preatty busy street/park. Close to Centru. Then had English about 15 students or so. Only 5 or so stay for the Spiritul Thoughts. English is fun and I enjoy teaching it. After English we did an exchange, Elder Kopsa came with me in our area and Elder Durand went with Elder Zavala. we went home for the propiatar to sort out some bed issues, got that all straightened out. Then went out and did a bloc
Wednesday: After studies, went on the streets and gave out a book of mormon. Then lunch and propiatar (landlord) came by again and fixed the kitchen light for us and other lights too. Then we went and knocked some villas. Found really nice couple with three young kids. We'll go back there. Then did some blocs. Then went over to the church to meet with recent convert Adrian who was baptized in Bucharest but comes and works in Timi during the week. He is stubborn and won't speak Romanian with the Elders. Which kinda bothers me because...I need to learn this language. I gotta be the best speaker! Then switched back from our exchange and went back home.
Thursday: Went to the blocs and stuffed them with pliants and visiting cards. Then came home. Lunch. Then went to the parc. Met potential and gave him a Book of Mormon. On the ground Elder Durand found and picked up 100 lei (33 bucks!) and uh we didn't know what to do! Tithing! hehe he paid it on Sunday. Then we did some streets. Then a bloc. Then went to the church. Had a good lesson with an investigator who has been investigating for a while. Ciprian. He has a problem with Heavenly Father having a Father? The eternity or Eloheims is what he said. The Trinity makes sense for him and how God has always been God from the beginning and Heavenly Father doesn't have a Father. We tried to keep it simple and not get in the deep doctrine. I don't even understand it I told him. And we invited him to pray and to the activity/meeting on Saturday. He said he couldn't promise us he would pray. Hopefully he will. Then we did a bloc and went on home.
Friday: Was a good day today. Contacting. home. lunch. weekly planning every friday. Then we visited Vali and Ramona (who we met wednesday) said come back Sunday. Then member visit to Sora Ana, less active and has some trouble sleeping at night, insomnia. And hasn't been to church very often. Good lesson on Faith and she served us some chicken and potatoes. Then we went to a street we decided in studies to bloc knock. Found awesome family Dorin Braez and he is a really awesome guy. Hopefully something will come of it. I love success, especially when we are in the blocs! Blocs are tough sometimes. But I learn to love it.
Saturday: Had english, then we had some lunch. then we just sat around the church a little bit. Just waiting. Oh Then at 5 o clock. My companion baptized Gabriela Rosu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was Elder Zavala's investigator and actually or aunt I think was the last baptism in Timisoara that happened my second transfer (Elder Tefft had that baptism - his second day in the country!!!!!) It went really well. Elder Durand did awesome. I was a witness with Elder Kopsa and a good turnout from the branch and even a couple former investigators and also Ciprian came too. It went well and she gave an awesome testimony. I played the piano. Then after, went home and took wet clothes and food from lunch home. Then went bloc knocking and found Florin in the bloc. Had a good lesson and gave him the Book of Mormon.
Sunday: Church went well. Great talks Sora Jureschi and Fratele Iulian (return missionary - London) Then Elder Kopsa gave a good talk. Sunday School was on John 4-6. Then Priesthood on the Holy Ghost. Halfway during Sacrament, we lost power to the villa and I didn't play the piano for the intermediate or closing hymn....uh music helps a lot. I'll just say that and the branch just needs practice and time to get better at singing. :) We're growing together. For the perfecting of the Saints, not for the perfect saints. :) After, home, lunch, then Vali and Romona couldn't meet. Found nice lady Petra in the blocs. Then went and visited Ani who we met the first week. Lucian wasn't home (husband) his mom was there though Luci. Then we went home.
Today has been a good day. Weather has been mild? 30 to 45 usually. Gets pretty cold at night and in the mornings. Haven't worn the trench coat once. Probably uh could have though. hehe when we get in the blocs every one here is our mom. "wait where's your coat? that's all your wearing!" I love it. Don't worry, I have a lot of people to watch over me. :) Don't worry Mom. It's safe. If people carry a gun, they have to have it for their job.
Looking forward to what this week brings. :) I love you all and thank you for your support, prayers, e-mails. I know I am loved. Thanks Josh (Groban) I love that song so much. I listen to that song so much and I feel good every time and it never gets old.
I love you. Pace domnului.
Elder Schroedter
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