Alo alo alo. Something has been on my mind a lot this week is this whole thing about agency. It's caused me some moments very lost in thought and just thinking about the plan of salvation and thinking about all the people that have been on the earth. Every one that has ever lived basically and all that they did throughout history. Some way deep talks about it, one that comes to mind is Neal A. Maxwell I think at a BYU Devotional. Something along with this is eternity. As humans we have to have time? I don't know. We need to measure it. There is a day and night for a reason. A year equals 365.25 days. A day is 24 hours. And to think about that we will live forever and that we have lived forever just blows my mind. And I try to wrap my head around it and simply can't ever do it. We are born and we die. How can there be an end if there was never a beginning? A lot of weird thought processes and thinking lately! AH! so Crazy. But basically. I know it's true, I didn't say I understand it all living into the eternities backwards and forwards. But I know I lived with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ before and if and when I do what's right in this life I'll live with him after in the life to come. What this has to do with agency is that it is the beauty of the plan! We are not already on a set tract and God knows what we are going to do. But we have choices to make and we all know between good and evil. Because of the light of Christ that we all receive. I love agency so much. It kills me to be rejected sometimes, but I know that God has a plan for everyone of us. And we don't even know it sometimes.
It was a great week last week. kinda crazy with transfers but I loved it. Elder Veenendaal left off to Cluj. And I am here with Elder Newton. He is really an awesome guy. Same group as Elder Bateman (past companion in Brasov) He is from Holiday, Utah and we are getting along great. Not a whole lot has happened here in Bucuresti but we are looking forward to this transfer to make things happen for our companionship and to encourage all other companionships here in Buc and in Ploiesti and Constanta. We went on an exchanges with them in Constanta last week. Spent all day with them and drove back in the morning. They have some really good things going for them and they need to keep working hard. I love all my missionaries and I love my city of Bucuresti. I really do. It's tough everyday. But reading the scriptures and praying and trying to be a better person, closer to God I have found to love everyone no matter what.
Oh by the way, past two sundays- attempted to translate for the Wolsey couple here in the Mahai Bravu branch (as humanitarian couple) one talk was so so hard. Couldn't even understand her! But other two were easy. It's the best way to learn and inspire me to learn.
I love you all and hope you are doing awesome. Have a good week!
Elder Schroedter
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