Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hello Friends,

I call you friends as I hope you are my friend as well...see John 15:13

A good week for the missionaries in Brasov. It is kind of overwhelming at times that me and Elder Bateman along with the 2 Sisters are over a city of 250,000 people or so, I forget how big Brasov. It's that give or take a few. We are trying our best. I need to work on talking when we take the bus and not talk to my companion. I am really trying to only speak Romanian outside of the apartment. Kinda takes 2 though if you know what I mean. I am trying. I don't judge.

Yesterday, I gave a talk too, Taryn! I am sure you did way better than me. :) Mine was on Obedience and I opened with one of my favorite scriptures Alma 23: 6-7 (Two easy)

6 And as sure as the Lord liveth, so sure as many as believed, or as many as were brought to the knowledge of the truth, through the preaching of Ammon and his brethren, according to the spirit of revelation and of prophecy, and the power of God working amiracles in them—yea, I say unto you, as the Lord liveth, as many of the Lamanites as believed in their preaching, and were bconverted unto the Lord, cnever did fall away.

7 For they became a righteous people; they did lay down the weapons of their rebellion, that they did not fight against God any more, neither against any of their brethren.

I want to be like the Lamanites and I want converts like the Lamanites that NEVER FALL AWAY. 2 Nephi 31....something, after you have entered into this path, I would say is all done...NOT AT ALL. Endure to the End. The hardest and probably the most important part of this Gospel. We need to be obedient and we will always be happier. A simple truth of life. The paradox of life you could say. Where you think you are restricting your agency, you are in fact opening up more pathways for you a.k.a. ETERNAL LIFE. Lay down our weapons of rebellion. CHOOSE THE RIGHT. We are all trying to be better. Perfecting is impossible, but it's a good goal. :) My schpeal for the week.

My talk...I can't believe two months ago I gave my first talk on my 2nd sunday in the country! Seems like such a long time ago and at the same time, just yesterday. I have grown so much. And actually this time I enjoyed giving my talk. We had Victor at church and I hope he got something out of it. As well as the Sister's investigator, Sora Comanescu. FRATELE IRION*** if you are reading this. Such a miracle story with her, Sister's barely found her and she was moving the next week. She had a dream about the right church. I feel she will be baptized very very soon. More details to come. Heard my talk yesterday!

Studies-wise. I am in ALMA finally in the Book of Mormon and Cartea Lui Mormon. I love reading it and always write down each day about 15 words I have no idea what they mean. Reading in English, kinda gives me an idea, but some words, I haven't a clue what they mean. I love the Book of Mormon. It is our message. The Keystone! In True to the Faith I had a good study on Faith as well as the Fall. Lots of scriptures and references about it. Learning a lot and marking a lot of great scirptures to use.

WEATHER. FREAK! Snowing today, yesterday and Saturday too. About a foot on the ground! Give me a break - Scuteste-ma! hehe I love that saying so much. Always say it. Put the coat back on Thursday. About 32 degrees all the later half of the week. I am doing well Mom and Dad. Shoes, still in good condition and staying plenty warm. I think the thermals were a mistake buying those. but nbd. It's life. You live and learn and learn to live. While laughing. That's my philosophy. Stay positive and you can't have a bad day. Just try it. I promise. You can not have one bad day. Your work shall not be in vain. (Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye asteadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.)

Investigators....so close Victor. Wants to be baptized but doesn't quite have a testimony about our message! Likes and does his readings. Been to church twice. Had the date on the 29th but he is not quite ready....so close!
Doamna Ciobanu, need to meet with her, re-kindle that testimony. Health problems :(
Ioan, sweet English student, read whole BOM! Needs to sincerely pray and I know he'll get that answer to be baptized
Mircea, had birthday this week, made him brownies, knows BOM is true and wants to be baptized!

Past week:

Monday: Good day. Had lunch after internet at Mexican restaurant. Had a quesadilla. Taco soup and apple cake pie. Then went to the church and shot basketball a little bit. Then went and shopped at Carrefour. Saw Levi, Teo, and Alecu there around every corner! Then went home, unpacked groceries, went to the church and had a good Family Home Evening with Teo and Levi (young married couple) and Alecu and her boyfriend (nonmember) Adrian. Made donuts or gogosi. And had Lesson about Mosiah and the Church of Christ. End of Mosiah - Alma organizing with Mosiah the church in Zarahemla.

Tuesday: Pretty good lesson with wife of a potential investigator, just talked about Restoration. Not too interested I think. Mircea didn't show up at the church for our lesson. :( Had correlation meeting with Marius. Then English class went well. Talked about family and more pronunciation. Then good Spiritul thought on Christ and the Atonement of Christ. Then had a really good lesson with Stefan - Plan of Salvation. Hasn't made it to church yet but he has really good potential in the future.

Wednesday: Contacting on our way to the church, then we tried and went to register in the city but the workers said we didn't even have to! What the heck?! We wasted quite a lot of time, trying to get papers faxed from the office in BUC, but in the end, we didn't we have to do all of it. Oh well. Went home and had lunch, then our propriatar came to our house and fixed our sink, it was leaking a little bit in the bathroom, then we went villa knocking in Tractorul area (North Brasov) and then we finished with some blocks and then we went out to Victor with Levi as a member with us. Had a good lesson on Baptism and Confirmation, Sabbath Day and Tithing too.

Thursday: Good lesson with Fratele Manea, still not wanting to come to church at all. :( Talked about why he was baptized and tried to get him to want to come to church! Been 3 weeks now! Shared some scriptures from Alma about conversion and sabbath day too. Hopefully he'll turn around soon. Has some trouble with leaders in the Branch... :( late to District Meeting but it went well. Finishing off the transfer strong and on a positive note, working harder than ever, getting investigators to church and setting baptism dates! Hope to have a couple soon. People are so close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Victor, Ciobanu, Stefan, Ioan, and Mircea. After Dist. Mtg senior couples came to the church, Elder and Sora Dummar (from Heber, UT) and Elder and Sora Linerud (from Washington) We all went and had lunch together, and then they did house checks. Really enjoyed talking to them and I heard BYU was number 9 in the country from them....and also final 4 and 2 on NCAA bball will be in HOUSTON. What the heck?! I want to go!!! And also watch Fredette play! Eh....worldly crap. I don't care at all that much. I'll get over it. In the course of a lifetime what would it matter that I went to a stupid basketball game that decides which team is the best in the country for a span of time for 365 days? What does it matter? NOTHING. Ok. Yeah, nu imi pasa! Evening time on Thursday after some villa knocking. Went and met with Eddy and Alex. Spoke English. Had really good Restoration lesson with them. Gave Alex a BOM and he said he will read. They are both really busy right now, but really open and I see good potential in them. Senior year college and exam time!

Friday: Good lesson with Mircea, Restoration and he is still reading in the Book of Mormon. Went and helped Marius with clothes stuff for his mission. He leaves in less than 2 weeks! AHHH!!!!! I am going to miss that kid. Such a great member for Romania, espeically Brasov. He will be a great missionary in London - South. Then we had a lesson at the church with Victor, Levi came again. We talked about Obedience, Follow the Prophet, 10 Commandments, and Law of Chastity, he has almost had all the lessons! Then we watched the First Vision. He seemed to enjoy it. Then we went home, got some McDonalds again. Then weekly planning. Last full one of the transfer. 7-week transfer has gone by so so so fast!

Saturday: English went well. Really trying to enjoy. Increases my patience and love for Romanians. I love it. Then good Spiritul thought about steps of the gospel and our path back to the kingdom of God. FAITH. REPENTANCE. BAPTISM. GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST and ENDURING TO THE END. After English, had Plan of Salvation lesson with Mircea, he understood and seemed to enjoy it. Said he would come to church but never did. :( Then lunch and tried to set up but no one was free (Bogdon - potential, Ciobanu, Nicu - other investigator, now stefan, wouldnt answer phone) tried to visit bogdon - not home and neither was Stefan. Did soem block knocking and no one was responsive at all. People are ready I know it for our message. We keep trying to find and doing all we can. Being led by the Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit Guide.

Sunday: MY TALK! Felt so so different than 2 months ago. I have grown and learned so much language wise. I love this Gospel so much. Had really good talks by Sora Miron and Corina. Sora Miron is a great member and has actually volunteered at the MTC (Elder Bateman met her while she was there) Taught Sunday School to the Youth, just Catalina and non-member Alina was there, back from Germany and heading back there soon, think temporarily. Catalina was baptized last year but is a great member. Her Mom got offended and hasn't come to church for a while and neither Deacon aged- Marian. Dad- Gheorghe is always working and haven't been able to meet with him, plus Mom not coming to church, he doesn't want to meet with us because of that reason too. It's complicated. After church, had good lesson with Victor, Levi was present and we just shared scriptures and talked about prayer and testimony. Then after lunch went and knocked some blocks, one guy was really upset, kicked us out. He was ANGRY, but we didn't fight no worries. Elder Bateman held me back, just kidding. Actually though, Elder Bateman wanted to stay and talk to him, told him Mergeti inapoi, not quite what I would have chosen to say. And I just said we should leave and so we did. Then on way home, visited Ioan and had a good lesson about the Book of Mormon. NEED TO PRAY to get an answer!

Overall it was a good week. I feel like people are missing from it because they are. We need to meet with more people and work harder. Getting along great with Elder Bateman and we teach well. More Finding and talking to people! Missionary work is tough but I love it. Trying my best to inspire my companion and do my best myself. I love this gospel and my message for the world.

Hope you all have a good week. It is cold in Brasov but I love it here. Hope I stay another transfer. I'll find out next week. Dad. Hope your birthday went well. I love you all. I pray for you and think of you. I am staying warm and safe here in Romania. The future looks bright for me in Brasov. Focusing on everyone! Investigators and those searching for the truth that I just havent met yet. I love you.


Elder Schroedter

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