Monday, February 21, 2011

Why Wait Until Tomorrow??!!!

Hope you all had a super-fantastic-awesome week! It was a good one hear in Timisoara. I love this city so much and the people, too. Despite the doors to the face (literally) just kidding, but not really. The swearing at us. Kicking us out of blocs. Angry people. It builds me up even more in a way.

First off. SAM! Happy Birthday man!!!! I saw my watch on Saturday and was just like, what the?! It's Sam's birthday today. I told my companion about you and everything else. I hope you had a good day brother! Also this Saturday, Happy Birthday to Laura Andersen! We went over to Sora Gabi's again this week and she got on facebook and showed us pictures of her family and of YOUR sister, Sora Andersen. And Sister Colleen Andersen: Sora Gabi showed us the blanket you made for her. She loves you and Pres. Andersen so much. And your daughter Kim too! She is a great member in our branch. She gave a great talk yesterday in church. For everyone else, I apologize for all the birthdays I forget. No, I mean to say Happy Birthday to you even if I forget. Family. Friends. And soon to be friends. I just know too many people, what can I say? ;) but really. Ne e gluma! I do know too many people! Eh but I can't know enough! I meet so many people everyday and especially still hearing new names it's hard to remember but I manage.

In our zone we have this deck of cards. Things to do for Personal Study and Companion Study, for fun, for goals, mission standards of excellence and what not. This week, with the help of Elder Zavala on our exchange, Elder Durand and I handed out 20 Book of Mormon and got their address or number if we gave it out. :) it felt really good to finish the 20th one. (one of the cards in the deck says: Hand out 20 Book of Mormons in one week) But we did it! YAY us. Success. We have met some really nice people and hope to go places with these peeps. And when I say places I mean go to CHURCH! I want to fill up that bazin/basin we have! I want to see someone receive and know the Book of Mormon is true. I want people to be happy. The hard part of this work, seems like we can always do more. I would say I am working the hardest in my mission right now. I am studying hard, practicing and speaking the language more and giving out more brochures and handouts, cards, and books! We can do all we can do. But how much is that? I know as we are diligent and do all we can we will be blessed and God will make up the difference and guide us to those who need this message.

Speaking of Studies: Weekly wisdom and dive in the scriptures. Today finishing up True to the Faith and Alma finally. TTTF. read today Teaching the Gospel (very fitting) Temples - also very fitting considering there will be one here in Romania and I will visit back for that day! And also Temptation. I love the story of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price. When he is straight up talking with SATAN. I was thinking about that and trying to imagine what that would be like. If you want to read it - moses 1:12-22. reading that another scripture hit me even harder said by Nephi in 1 Nephi 4:2 Therefore let us go up; let us be strong like unto Moses; for he truly spake unto the waters of the Red Sea and they divided hither and thither, and our fathers came through, out of captivity, on dry ground, and the armies of Pharaoh did follow and were drowned in the waters of the Red Sea. Moses is a sweet example. Cast out Satan. Split the rock for water and split the water for the dry rock (land) to cross through. Then in Alma today read Alma 54-56. I love the 2000 sons of Helaman. Sweet examples to follow. I want to be like them someday. I love reading and learning and pondering the scriptures. I am as much on this mission for me as well as for others. Strengthening myself. Other members. Less actives. And non-members inviting them to Christ. This message will fill the Earth. I know it!

It was a good week.
Monday: Hit up the black box in Iulius Mall. Bowling! Had lunch at a chinese place in the mall. Shopping. Home. Then went and visited a former investigator Suraj. He has trouble accepting the Book of Mormon and wouldn't commit to pray. I tried. He's got a tough work schedule. First off has a 1 year old. Wife too. Works 8 PM at night till 8 AM in the morning. Oh my gosh. I would hate that. And it's everyday and occasionally he gets days off. These Romanian work so hard and such long hours. It's sad their wages are so low. But we had a pretty good lesson. Out the door. Going down the stairs (during the lesson, his wife is in the kitchen the whole time) she comes out and says oh I prepared a meal! So we go back in. She sets it all up. We had a salad, pickle, fries, sausage, and I tried for the first time, CHICKEN LIVER. hehe Elder Durand didn't know the word for it and I was about to just not tell him before he ate it. haha. but I did tell him and we both tried it. I didn't mind it, but one was enough. Not my favorite but I'll eat it. And of course with every meal, gotta have a piece of bread. And we had some kind of drink-shasta.

Tuesday! District meeting went well. I like our District. 4 really good Elders. Then we went to a less active. called on the telecom but just hung up. :( we got in and left him a note in his mail box. Then lunch. Then went to potential investigators that actually two years sisters had contacted and we set up two return appointments. Then we had English. I love teaching it and it's fun. Messing up in Romanian. Forgetting words in english. I make it fun and wish more people would stay for the GOSPEL. But asta e. Then we went on exchanges. I went with Elder Zavala to our area adn Elder Durand went with Elder Kopsa to their area. Had good lesson and Romanian dish, cheese something rolls. pretty good. Then went home.

Wednesday: Good day with Elder Zavala. I am going to miss that Elder when he leaves in less than a month back home! He is an awesome Elder and basically perfect at the language. Morning we went to a little store, Gabriela, she works all day basically too! And lots of other guys were there drinking....water! I wish. No it was beer. and they are usually there chatting it up and taking a break from their lives. Gave out 5 books of mormons to everyone except Gabriela. Thursday elder Durand and I went back and gave her one. Then we had lunch. Then contacted in the parc. Had a good lesson on the bench. Can't wait till it warms up more and we can go to the parks more. It rained and was kinda cold about 35 this week and not a lot of people were at the parks. After the park. We went to the church. He didn't show up. Then to a member. Her son about 45 is in the hospital. It was a good visit and she is a really nice member, Sora Mitin. Then we went to the blocs and met some nice people. Had short lesson with younger woman, and gave her the Book of Mormon. Then went back to the church, switched back and went home

Thursday! It was a good day. Started out with villa knocking, met really nice lady, she was at her daughters house, had short lesson and invited us in. Got number and address of her just down the street. Joita. Then lunch. Then went to potential investigators in a bloc got a lesson with one of them. Really nice lady. Maria. Then we went bloc knocking, got a lesson with younger woman Mihaela. Then went to Sora Gabi's for meal and member visit. Then bloc knocking.

Friday: Good day. Went street contacting and not a whole lot of luck. Met one guy, said he would meet up. Then gave out a Bom right as we were coming home. it was raining really lightly today, Saturday and Sunday. Then got home, lunch, weekly planning. Then good leson with Vali and Ramona. They finally were able to meet! Said they were coming to church but they didnt. :( Really nice couple. Struggling and have 3 kids. Then we went to the blocs! Had some success and small schpeals about the BOM and gave 3 more out! Then Adrian bunged us and we called it a night.

Saturday: Last english class. It hasn't really RAIN rained yet here but it was sprinkling today and killed some of our plans to go contacting on the street and villas but that's ok. English was good. Got really nice compliments from people saying they loved it. :) Visited some less actives for the afternoon. One was home but she lives in England and only visits Romania every now and again. A fair amount of people have moved away after being baptized here. Italy. Spain. Germany. England. It's frustrating! Need more members! To finish the night just went to blocs.

Sunday: What the?! I had to give my 3rd talk! Elder Durand hasn't even given one yet. Oh but he will. But really the members need to be doing it! Strengthening them and calling the less actives to come and give a talk. Had good other talks by recent convert Sora Ingrianu and Sora Gabi. Good Sunday School and Priesthood. Rest of sunday went well. Lunch. Then return visits to some peeps. Then other formers and potential investigators. Then finished with the blocs.

It was an awesome week this week and we had some success!!! Hope to keep it up and get a baptismal date as requested from the Mission President. The new mission president will get here in July. President to be Hill and Sora Hill from Provo, UT (faculty of BYU) I love this work and hope to continue to finding the people that are ready for our message.

I love you all and hope you have a great week. hope the e-mail wasn't too boring. I love you!


Elder Schroedter

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome missionary! Sounds like missionary work in Romania is very similar to Thailand where I served. It's okay to be disappointed but never get discouraged.
