Saturday, July 30, 2011

Elder Newton

It's official! Transfer board is out and it's going to be crazy. 12 Elders and 3 Sisters leaving. Iubitilor! And 12 Elders and 1 Sister coming in. Tons of young people training and it's crazy. I feel like every transfer in my mission has simply gotten better and better. I loved it with Betteridge and Bateman in Brasov. Durand, Bruner, and Eaton in Timisoara. Now Veenendaal in Bucuresti and this coming transfer is going to be BOLNAV! = SICK! mot a mot. Elder Newton, now the former Branch President of the city of Deva and now my companion as Zone Leader here in Bucuresti! This transfer is going to be awesome. We have some people really close to baptism. I am so excited. Elder Lee now in my district is staying and receiving a boboc. = a baby duck. He will be training. Sora Hansen in my district will be staying again and training the single sister. In my MTC group there were 12 of us in there. i couldn't imagine a sister as well. I am not sure she would have survived....haha. Elder Veenendaal will be going to Cluj with a boboc! TRAINING! And that's a white-wash where the two elders before him are both leaving.....Elder Durand being one of those elders who is right next to me now. He is in my zone! Constant has been struggling but I really hope it goes well this transfer with Durand with Newrow (staying) and Eckersly and Kopsa (both staying). Elder Martin who is in my district now will be heading up to Pitesti with a 3rd transfer mish Elder Nielson. And Sora Ausen has achieved my goal! She is going to CHISINAU, MOLDOVA. I really want to go there so bad. Ever since getting on that plane leaving the MTC it was and still is my dream. We only have zone leaders in Buc, Sibiu, Arad, and Bacau and RUSSIAN-Ukrainian Elders as Zone Leaders in Chisinau, but I will not be zone leader forever. No way! So there is still a slight chance I can make it there! Hope so. I really loved this District so much, I have gotten really close to all 5 of them and it's been a lot of fun. I will miss those leaving me, Veenen, Martin, and Ausen but I am glad I still have Lee and Hansen both with a boboc and a boboaca. And me with Newton....It is going to be sick. The best ever.

My trainers around the country....ah I can't believe it! First from my group from the MTC. Lee, Nilsson, Pettit, James, Nelson, and Mikolyski! I know they will do so great. I am way excited for all the missionaries and getting to know all of them. Be an example.

This past week was super hot. Exchange with Elder Nemrow in Constanta. Lots of fun but so so hot. And then I drove up to Ploiesti to do an interview with Victor who was baptized this past SATURDAY!!!! And the man Mihai who Elder Veenendaal interviewed last week was also baptized this past Saturday! 2 baptisms in Ploiesti. I was so happy for them! Great job Elder Johnson. I want to serve in Constanta and Ploiesti. They are awesome cities, with some awesome zone leaders.

Been tough again this week to meet with our investigators. Busy and out of town etc etc. Don't give me excuses, give me results. I am trying! No excuses at all. "People have agency, but I don't have an excuse." said and quoted by me.

I will really miss my Trainer! Elder Betteridge is abandoning me. It was awesome to kinda be around him for his last transfer here in Buc. And him staying an extra and getting rewarded by having a dog bite him. He handed me his frisbee to keep! I will definitely be seeing him after the mish at his house or at BYU. Looking forward to it. And other elders that I have come to know and love. Elders Johnson, Boehme, Suppes, Gardiner, Gunter, Leyton, Bennett, Toronto, Mathis, Wirthlin, and Brunner. I will miss all of them. And although i didn't really get to know the sisters that much, never served around them Hansen, Brielle (other Hansen not in my District) Hupp, and Harward.

It was a good day. We went laser tagging. Nice breakfast at the Wolsey's and hanging out. It's been a good transfer. Hope to be an even better transfer with every single one that comes.

I loved finishing up Doctrine and Covenants and the New Testament. I suggest all of you to read them.

Small and simple things. 2 years is simply making every day a good day no matter what. How do you make a brick wall? A brick at a time.

Love you all.

Elder Schroedter

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