Monday, March 26, 2012

Building a Roof - Romanian Style.

 This week went awesome for me and my wonderful companion. For Friday and Saturday we were able to give some service for a few hours in the morning. Lost some study time, but giving service is so precious and sometimes hard to come by here in Bucuresti. We helped a man up on his roof. Nailed some boards together. Helped clean up the old roof and take it down. Saw some more boards and wood. Leveling. Measuring. And building a house! The house is pretty run down, but it's alright. It was fun climbing up and down the ladder onto the roof. (I am such a kid. And I always will be.) It was done without an electric saw-could of saved some precious minutes here on the mission. But it was time well spent. We left him Saturday and haven't been back since, called him Sunday, but I am excited to see the progress. He came last week to the baptismal service of the other elders, now two weeks ago and he enjoyed it. And we are trying to continue teaching him the gospel. He is a great man and I have loved learning more and more words about construction and building a friendship with him. It was service well spent and I learned a lot of good stuff. Yesterday, we went singing contacting and that went well. Didn't do it for so long, but talked to a lot of cool people. It is transfers this week, but me and Elder Green will be remaining together and I am pretty excited for the miracles that we will be continuing to see this transfer. Can't believe 6 weeks has gone by, since I've been back here in Bucuresti. The branch is doing well. So many members that all need to come to church, but they have their choice. You can't force anyone to do anything and you really shouldn't if you think about it. Don't make people feel bad for not doing something. Just love them, because sometimes and at the end of the day, that's all you can do. We have met some cool people this past week and I have truly seen so many miracles in little every day things. Talking to people on the metrou, buses, and tramvais. On the street. Met some cool people just from our house to the metrou stop. Simple stuff and I love it. People need this message and gospel. They just don't know it. I know it's  true and I love being a missionary and I am not ashamed of it. Take care you all. Give an unplanned service to someone this week. Tie their shoe, open a door, clean their room, give them a hug, send them a nice note - handwritten, smile.

Love you all.

-Elder Schroedter

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It must have been such an experience to be able to help in renovating Romanian style roofing. There’s always that perfect touch given off by both a wonderful structure and a sturdy, dependable framing. Romanian roofs are like vintage roofing, so old in style yet the elegance is never fading.

    Sierra Nordgren
