Friday, March 23, 2012

The Power of Song.

Barely four weeks into the country. By yourself, without your companion, and keeping up a conversation, maybe more listening for a good 20-25 minutes. Last Monday, it was fun to go Singing Contacting as a District just opening up the hymn books and belting out in downtown Bucuresti in the middle of traffic at night right outside one of the biggest metrou stops in the city, Piata Unirii! It's been our second time doing it this transfer and both times it was pretty chilly, I think this last week I got sick because I forget my winter happens though. But the point of this email is not to pity me, but to praise the best companion ever this world has ever seen. Elder Green! Right when we started singing, two or three usually will just try and talk and stop people and Elder Green nor I didn't do it the first time, just sang for straight hour and a half. But Elder Green talked with a man for a good 25 minutes! I wasn't even with him, but I just saw him out of the corner of my eye as we were singing. He is such a stud! Knows the language way better than me I'd say when I was in his shoes. And also yesterday in front of about 65 people gave a great talk about faith! He is making leaps and bounds. He helped me give a blessing to an older member here last Sunday. He annointed while I sealed it and gave the blessing. He is such a great guy and I love that just everything is new to him, and I get to experience it right along next to him. He is really a great missionary. He is giving really good lessons and spiritual thoughts in lessons. Sometimes with 10 seconds notice. I am loving Bucuresti and now the parks are coming to life and people are wiping the dust off their shoes and finally unlocking their doors to come outside from the winter. There is surprisingly some still ice/snow in some parts, but where the sun hits, it's all melted. Today it's at least 20 = 60F and we are going to play some football/frisbee. Gonna be fun! This last week, I had my first funeral here in Romania, it was short and sweet and planned about 10 minutes prior the speakers and layout. We did a special musical number. The other Elders, they had a baptism! and was confirmed yesterday. This Saturday there will also be a baptism for the other elder's companionship. Things are happening and I love the branch so much and the people here.
I am enjoying life. I love talking to people in the parks and just getting to know new people and make friends. I love this message and know it'll bring happiness to anyone and everyone. I am happy sharing it with others and talking to them about it. Inviting them to partake of it. To start. To read. To pray. To try and experiment.
It's been tough at times, but at the end of the day it's all worth it. Find joy in a song this week. They can be powerful. I love my family so much. They mean everything to me. Be safe. And especially Shelby this week! Ai grija!

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